   (A)   The City Council does hereby adopt the Public Personnel Implementation and Administration Manual produced by the Kentucky Education and Training Network dated November 1981 as the official grade classification and pay scale classification for all city police officers employed by the city. Said Public Personnel Implementation and Administration Manual is hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein.
   (B)   The Mayor in establishing the grade, classification, and pay scale for police officers in the city shall comply with the minimum and maximum amount set forth in the Public Personnel Implementation and Administration Manual.
   (C)   The City Council, in giving its advice and consent to the Mayor in the setting of salary and grade classification, shall be bound by the grade classification and pay scale established in the Public Personnel Implementation and Administration Manual.
(Ord. 85-12, passed 11-7-85)
   The Civil Service Commission shall prescribe and propound such examinations as are proper, commensurate with vacant positions within the Police Department of the city, according to classification prescribed by ordinance, shall set such times and places for holding examinations as may be proper and shall give notice of examinations by publication pursuant to KRS Chapter 424.
(Ord. 85-8, passed 9-16-85)
Cross reference:
   Civil Service Commission, see §§ 37.01 - 37.11
   (A)   The City shall apply for participation in the Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program Fund Training Incentive Program.
   (B)   If accepted for participation in the Fund, the City shall comply with KRS 15.410 - 15.510, the general conditions contained in the application for participation, and such further rules, regulations and policies as may be reasonably prescribed by the Kentucky Department of Justice.
(Ord. 93-06, passed 6-2-93)
Statutory Reference:
   Law Enforcement Foundation Program Fund, see KRS 15.410 - 15.510
§ 35.10 DUTIES.
   The Police Chief shall:
   (A)   Plan, direct, and exercise general supervision over the work of the Department, subject to the ultimate authority of the Mayor.
   (B)   Recommend to the Mayor the adoption of such written rules and regulations as he may deem necessary for the proper administration of the Police Department; and enforce such rules and regulations, work methods and procedures after promulgation by the Mayor and approval of City Council in accordance with KRS 83A.130 (4)).
   (C)   Make and review all personnel assignments within the Department, subject to the ultimate authority of the Mayor.
   (D)   Review activities and reports of police officers.
   (E)   Make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council for the appointment, promotion and dismissal of officers.
   (F)   Enforce disciplinary measures when necessary.
   (G)   Ascertain that officers receive adequate training in modern police methods and procedures.
   (H)   Direct the preparation and maintenance of police records and files.
   (I)   Direct the investigation of major criminal offenses.
   Q)   Cooperate with state and federal officers in the apprehension of wanted persons.
   (K)   See that reports are prepared for the Mayor (who shall report to the City Council and the National Safety Council, Federal Bureau of Investigation).
   (L)   Prepare budget estimates and control the expenditure of Department funds, subject to the ultimate authority of the Mayor.
   (M)   Conduct Department correspondence, requisition supplies and recommend the purchase of necessary equipment.
   (N)   Meet with and answer questions for the public.
   (O)   Attend police conferences and meet with various citizen groups.
(Ord. 86-2, passed 1-7-86; Am. Ord. 99-1, passed 9-21-99)