(A)   When it is deemed necessary by the Safety and Service Director, or his or her designated representative, that industrial wastes may need to be pretreated prior to the wastes being introduced into the city sewer system, the industry or person proposing to introduce the wastes into the city sewer system shall furnish to the Safety and Service Director such data and information as the Safety and Service Director may require to determine the nature, character, and content of the wastes, or the industry or person shall cooperate with the Safety and Service Director in the collection of such data and information.
   (B)   If, based on the data and information so furnished to or collected by the Safety and Service Director or his or her designated representative, it is determined that pretreatment is required before industrial wastes may be introduced into the city sewer system, the industry or person shall furnish to the Safety and Service Director a proposal of the means by which the industrial wastes shall be pretreated to make them acceptable for introduction into the city sewer system. Upon approval by the Safety and Service Director of the proposed means of pretreatment, the industry or person shall prepare or cause to be prepared by an engineer registered by the state plans and specifications for facilities for pretreatment of the industrial wastes in conformance with and to effectuate the approved proposed means of pretreatment of the industrial wastes. The plans and specifications shall be submitted to the Safety and Service Director or his or her designated representative for review prior to the issuance of a permit by the city for the construction of the industrial waste pretreatment facilities. The Safety and Service Director may charge a fee not to exceed $250 to cover the reasonable expenses to the city in reviewing the plans and specifications and to observe the pretreatment facilities during their construction to determine conformance of actual construction performed to the plans and specifications approved by the Safety and Service Director. Issuance of a construction permit or acceptance of a proposed method of pretreatment of industrial wastes by the city or the Safety and Service Director shall not commit the city to the final acceptance of the industrial wastes pretreatment facilities or the industrial wastes proposed to be introduced into the city sewer system and shall be deemed only as acknowledgment by the city that the industry or the person is, in good faith, attempting to pretreat the industrial wastes to make them acceptable for introduction into the city sewer system.
   (C)   No construction of such pretreatment facilities shall commence until a construction permit therefor has been issued by the Safety and Service Director.
(1982 Code, § 50.34) (Ord. 1980-17, passed 5-5-1980; Ord. 2013-2, passed 2-11-2013) Penalty, see § 50.999