A.   Identification Check:
      1.   It shall be the duty of every licensee, bartender, waiter, waitress or any other employee of a licensee to determine whether or not a person is prohibited by reason of age by any law or ordinance from:
         a.   Possessing or purchasing or otherwise obtaining, receiving or consuming alcoholic liquor; or
         b.   Sitting or standing at a bar in any licensed premises or loitering therein; or
         c.   Entering or remaining in any premises to which a class E liquor license has been issued.
      2.   The age shall only be ascertained from a valid driver's license, Illinois identification card, military identification card, or other identification card issued by federal, state or local government agency. In the event the identification was not issued by an agency of the state of Illinois, the licensee shall institute any other procedures which are necessary to ensure that the person is of appropriate age, which procedure, at a minimum, shall include the presentation of a second identification card.
   B.   Aid Police: It shall be the duty of every person in premises licensed under this chapter, when called upon by the chief of police or by any other member of the department, to assist him in the execution of his police duties in the premises or public ways adjacent thereto.
   C.   Conduct Of Patrons: It shall be the duty of every person in a premises licensed under this chapter to refrain from loud and boisterous noises and from the use of profane language. Anyone who violates this duty shall not be permitted to remain in the premises and shall promptly leave when requested. Anyone who violates the provisions of this subsection shall be deemed guilty of disorderly conduct.
   D.   Notices Posted: It shall be the duty of every licensee to permanently post in a prominently visible place at all entrances and exits of the premises a notice to all persons regarding various laws pertaining to entry upon the licensed premises or to the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages. Said notices for posting may be provided by the chief of police or local liquor control commissioner.
   E.   Report Various Incidents: It shall be the duty of every licensee, bartender, waiter, waitress, or any other employee of any licensee under this chapter to report to the police department any and all incidents of disorderly conduct or of any and all criminal violations or violations of this chapter which take place within or upon the premises for which a liquor license has been issued pursuant to this chapter immediately upon observance or notification of same. The licensee, bartender, waiter, waitress, or other employee shall identify himself to the police department and state the nature of the incident. Failure to report to the police department as provided herein shall be a violation of this chapter.
   F.   Gambling And Narcotics Violations: It shall be unlawful for a licensee under this chapter to permit, or to fail to prevent when reasonably apparent, any gambling as defined in 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes. It shall be unlawful for a licensee to permit, fail to prevent and fail to notify the police department when reasonably apparent of any use or sale of a narcotic or controlled substance as defined in 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes. It shall be unlawful for a licensee to permit or fail to prevent any other violations of state law or ordinances of the city occurring in or upon the licensed premises.
   G.   Compliance With Ordinances: It shall be the duty of every licensee, bartender, waiter, waitress, or any other employee of any licensee under this chapter to comply in all respects with any and all ordinances then in effect in the city, and all other applicable governmental regulations. (Ord. 16-O-12, 3-1-2016)