151.12 VACATION.
   (a)    All full-time employees shall earn and be entitled to paid vacation in accordance with the following schedule:
Length of Continuous Service
Calendar Years
After 1
After 5
After 12
After 20
   (b)    Vacation time shall be taken after January 1st of each year at a time approved by the employee's department head or his designate, or the Mayor in the case of an employee who is a department head.
   (c)    Any employee who resigns, is terminated, retires, or is separated from employment of the City, will receive pay for their unused and accrued vacation time. In the case of resignation, they shall give two (2) weeks notice in writing to the Mayor to be eligible for such payment.
   (d)    Except as herein otherwise provided, vacation time earned under this provision shall not be carried over from one year to another. Any vacation time that is unused within the year granted shall be deemed forfeited.
   Department heads upon approval of the Mayor, and the Police Lieutenant, Assistant Fire Chief and the Assistant Service Director, upon written approval of the Police Chief, Fire Chief and Service Director, respectively, shall be entitled to receive a cash payment of up to ten days for the unused vacation time, paid at the rate of pay when the time was unused. The request for a payout of unused vacation time must be submitted by September 1 of the current year. Payment shall be made in the first quarter of the next calendar year. To be eligible, the above employee must be entitled to earn a minimum of twenty days of vacation in a calendar year.
   (e)    Any full-time employee who has become employed by the City within ten (10) years of the termination of full-time employment with the State of Ohio or any of its political subdivisions shall be allowed to transfer his length of service time for credit toward calculation of his vacation time with the City.
   Any employee who becomes full-time and earned vacation time as a City of Highland Heights part time employee due to working over 1000 hours in a previous year, can use that year toward length of service with the City.
   (f)    If any employee(s) entitled to vacation time is deceased before any part of that vacation time is used, their heirs or estates will receive the vacation pay the deceased employee would have received.
   (g)    All newly hired employees are ineligible for vacation during their first year of employment, as determined by their anniversary dates. However, between their first anniversary of employment and the succeeding January 1, they are eligible for two (2) weeks or ten (10) days of vacation. All employees shall be eligible to receive the next higher level of the vacation set forth in this ordinance on their respective anniversary dates when they have been employed for the required number of years.
   (h)    Any part-time employee of the city who works at least one thousand (1,000) hours in a calendar year shall be entitled in the next following calendar year a vacation to be paid at the average weekly wage and hours the employee earned during the preceding twelve (12) months. Employee must be actively employed at time of disbursement.
   (i)    When a Fire Department employee changes regularly scheduled work hours from a standard Fire Department shift to a forty (40) hour work week, or vice versa, the vacation time due and taken shall remain on a vacation week basis.
   (j)    An employee shall be granted one additional eight (8) hours day of vacation for each year of continuous service after twenty (20) years to a maximum of 240 hours after twenty-five (25) years, as shown in the following schedule:
Twenty-one years
8 hours
Twenty-two years
16 hours
Twenty-three years
24 hours
Twenty-four years
32 hours
Twenty-five years
40 hours
   In the event that the employee is unable to take the vacation hours granted by this section (j), the City will pay the employee for the hours in January, of the following vacation year, paid at the rate of pay when the time was unused.
(Ord. 33-2022. Passed 7-26-22.)