(a)    During each year, all full time employees of the Police Department shall be entitled to a uniform allowance of one thousand six hundred ninety-two dollars ($1,692.00) in 2022; one thousand seven hundred thirty-four dollars ($1,734.00) in 2023 and one thousand seven hundred seventy-seven dollars ($1,777.00) in 2024. This amount shall be divided and paid by separate checks at the time of the first paycheck in January and June of each year. All full time employees of the Fire Department shall be entitled to uniform allowance in the amount and method negotiated in the Fire Department union contract.
   (b)    Part-time police dispatchers, part-time police officers, and part-time firefighters shall be entitled to a uniform allowance in an amount equivalent to three percent (3%) of their annual gross earnings, such amount not to exceed four hundred and fifty and zero cents dollars ($450.00) per year. The payment authorized herein shall be made during the first pay period in January for the calendar year just concluded. Employee must be actively employed at time of disbursement.
   (c)    Part-time police dispatchers, part-time police officers, and part-time firefighters at the discretion of the Chief shall be provided clothing or shall be entitled to a clothing allowance reimbursement at the inception of their employment in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars and zero ccnts ($1,000.00).
(Ord. 33-2022. Passed 7-26-22.)