115.02 MEETINGS.
(a) Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of Council shall be held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Whenever the date of a regular meeting falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next day at 7:30 p.m. Council may, by majority vote, dispense with the holding of three regular meetings in any year, change the day and hour of holding any regular meeting, or adjourn the same to a day and hour determined by a like vote of the members present if constituting a quorum. Council meetings may be held in a public place other than the Council Chambers provided such public place is within the City and further provided the location of such meeting is announced at least seventy-two hours in advance. (Ord. 7-2022. Passed 4-26-22.)
(b) Special Meetings. Council shall hold such special meetings as may be found necessary, which shall be called by the Clerk upon written request of the Mayor or upon the written request of three members of Council, or by motion and approval of five members of Council at a regular meeting. Any such request for the calling of a special meeting shall state the subject or subjects to be considered thereat, and no other subject or subjects shall be considered except upon the approval of five or more of the members of Council in attendance at such special meeting. Twenty-four hours notice in writing of such special meeting shall be given to each member of Council and to the Mayor by personal service or by delivery thereof at their usual places of residence, but members of Council may waive such notice by their attendance at such special meeting.
(c) Agenda for Meetings; Preparation of Legislation. On Tuesday of the week prior to the Council meeting, an agenda for the regular meeting shall be prepared by the Clerk, and copies distributed to the Mayor and members of Council at least three days before such meeting. There shall also be distributed with such agenda written copies of all proposed legislation and other items assigned to the agenda. There shall also be furnished therewith a copy of the minutes of the preceding regular meeting of Council.
Proposed legislation, reports and communications from the Mayor, members of Council or other officials shall be filed with the Clerk not later than 12:00 noon on the Friday next preceding the regular meeting day of Council, in order to be included on the agenda for such meeting.
(d) Approved journal entries shall be the sole legal record of the proceedings of Council. Such journal entries shall record the vote of Council.
(e) All meetings of Council shall be open to the public except for those meetings permitted to be held privately pursuant to Ohio R.C. 121.22. The Mayor, members of Council or any other public official invited to attend shall advise the Clerk of Council of any topic they wish to discuss except for matters pertaining to imminent litigation in a scheduled executive session prior to the commencement of any regular or special meeting of Council at which such executive session is to be held. The Mayor and members of Council may contact the Clerk of Council prior to such meeting to determine the list of topics to be discussed during the executive session. (Ord. 40-1990. Passed 2-12-91.)