(a) Any applicant shall have the right to appeal the denial of a parade or public assembly permit to Council. The denied applicant shall make the appeal by filing a written notice with the Mayor and a copy of the notice with the Clerk of Council. The time for filing a written Notice of Appeal shall be as specified in the table that appears in Section 309.09. Time begins to run from date applicant receives notice.
(b) After filing of a written Notice of Appeal with the Mayor and Clerk of Council, the Council President shall give notice to the applicant, the Mayor and all Directors of the scheduling of a hearing on the applicant’s appeal. In the case of a standard appellate process, the hearing shall be scheduled at the next regularly scheduled Council Meeting unless said meeting will take place after the requested event. In that event, the Council President shall schedule a special meeting with Council for the purpose of conducting a hearing, at such time and at such place as deemed necessary and timely.
(c) In the event that the applicant files an appeal of a denial for a permit as specified in the table found under Section 309.09, under subparagraphs one, two or three of said table, then, because of the necessity of a prompt disposition of an appeal relating to the request for a parade or assemblage, the Council President shall make every effort to expedite a special meeting of Council, on 24 hours notice, and convene said meeting for the purpose of hearing said appeal.
(d) In the event that Council rejects an applicant's appeal, the applicant may file an immediate request for review with a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to Ohio R.C. 2506.01,et. seq.
(Ord. 1999-65. Passed 12-8-99.)