In any "C" District, land, buildings or premises shall be used for one or more of the following uses:
   (a)   Offices, including professional, financial, business, administrative, governmental (including post offices) institutional, and public utility offices.
   (b)   Public utility substations and facilities as regulated by Section 1139.04.
   (c)   Banks, real estate offices or similar financial institutions.
   (d)   Supermarkets, convenience grocery stores, bakeries, butchers, fish markets, health food stores, beverage stores, and liquor stores with the exception of any such store for which the majority of sales are not retail sales.
   (e)   Convenience stores including drug stores, hardware stores, small variety stores, stationary stores, card shops, book stores, florists or plant stores, musical supply stores, photographer and artist studio, and other related personal services.
   (f)   Personal service shops, and tobacco shops.
   (g)   Eating establishments.
   (h)   Hotels and motels.
   (i)   Deep specialty stores specializing in specific merchandise lines.
   (j)   Similar Uses. Any office or commercial use not listed above but similar to a permitted use as to hours of operation and amount of traffic generated, may be permitted if such use complies with the environmental performance standards of Chapter 1135, is not specifically permitted in any other district, and conforms more closely to the basic characteristics of the classification to which it is added than to any other classification. Such determination shall be made by the Board of Zoning Appeals.