(a) Purpose and Intent. It is recognized that there is a long-term need for housing for the elderly and that the governmental programs providing most such housing generally impose cost and/or rent restrictions which may necessitate the modification of some zoning regulations applied to standards applicable to multi-family housing. Furthermore, it is recognized that the design standards applicable to multi-family housing for the elderly differ from those applicable to multi-family housing in general. For example, housing designed for the elderly requires less land for recreation and open space, fewer parking spaces, and smaller apartment sizes than does housing designed for the general population. Therefore, it is the intent of this Section to facilitate and permit the development of multi-family housing designed for the elderly in R-4 Districts by granting the Council of the Village of Highland Hills the discretionary authority described in paragraph "c" below.
(b) Definition. "Housing for the elderly" is defined as housing designed and intended for occupancy primarily by persons 60 years of age and older. However, if more permissive, definitions of such housing shall apply as used in regulations of the State of Ohio or the federal government in the administration of programs providing multi-family housing for the elderly.
(c) Regulation. In accordance with the purpose and intent stated above, the Council of the Village of Highland Hills may, by Ordinance, waive or modify the area and height and other regulations of this Chapter in order to permit a particular proposal on a particular site for the development of multi-family housing designed and intended for occupancy primarily by the elderly. A unanimous vote of the Council of the Village of Highland HIlls shall be required for approval of such Ordinance.