1109.01 Specific intent.
1109.02 Principal uses permitted by right.
1109.03 Accessory uses permitted by right.
1109.04 Uses permitted conditionally.
1109.05 Supplemental regulations for accessory uses.
1109.06 Projections into required yards.
1109.07 Mandatory provision of common open space.
1109.08 Lots abutting arterial roads.
1109.09 Area and height regulations.
1109.10 Building size and arrangement.
1109.11 Pedestrian circulation.
1109.12 Off-street parking and loading.
1109.13 Landscaping, screening and buffering.
1109.14 Signs.
1109.15 Environmental performance regulations.
District established - see P. & Z. 1105.01
Off-street parking - see P. & Z. 1129.09
Signs - see P. & Z. 1133.12