The following regulations shall be observed with respect to lots and to principal and accessory buildings developed in accordance with the R-3 District Regulations:
(a)   Lot Size
2 acres minimum
(b)   Density
15 dwelling units per gross acre maximum
(c)   Street Frontage
100 feet minimum at each vehicular entrance to the development
(d)   Building and Paving Coverage
25% maximum building coverage; maximum of 50% may be occupied by buildings, paving and accessory structures (excluding recreational facilities).
(e)   Required Yards and Building    Placement
Perimeter yards of not less than 50 feet shall be maintained along any public street line bordering the lot and yards of not less than 35 feet along any property line. No building shall be closer than 25 feet to an internal street, unless specifically authorized by the Village in the approval of a plan to permit desired flexibility in the placement of apartment buildings; and no building shall be less than 15 feet from a parking bay or area.
(f)   Building Dimensions and
The greatest dimension in frontage, length or depth of a building shall not exceed 100 feet. Not more than three (3) such buildings may be attached to each other; and buildings so attached shall be at an angle of 90 degrees, unless otherwise authorized by the Village.
(g)   Height
35 feet maximum, and not more than three (3) stories in height, exclusive of basements, except as permitted in Section 1139.03.