§ 37.99 PENALTY.
   Violation of ordinances that are enforced by the City Board shall be subject to the following schedule of civil fines unless the specific ordinance declares a different penalty.
   (A)   If the violation of an ordinance is not contested by the person charged with the violation, the penalties set forth in this division (A) shall apply.
Civil Fine (if uncontested and paid within 7 days)
Civil Fine (if not paid within 7 days)
First offense in one-year period
Second offense in one-year period
Third or greater offense in one-year period
   (B)   If a citation is contested and hearing before the Board is conducted, the following minimum to maximum penalties may be imposed at the discretion of the Board:
Civil Fine
First offense in one-year period
$25 to $100
Second offense in one-year period
$100 to $250
Third or greater offense in one-year period
$250 to $500
(Ord. 14-2019, passed 11-5-2019)