   119.01   Registration required
   119.02   Affidavit
   119.03   Activities limited
   119.04   Location of activities
   119.05   Applicability
   119.99   Penalty
   (A)   All individuals or organizations that are conducting charitable gaming activities as defined in KRS Chapter 528 are required to register its organization with the City Police Department. The person responsible for registration shall be the same person maintaining the Federal Internal Revenue Code charitable or religious tax exemption.
   (B)   The organization registered shall provide:
      (1)   The name and address of the religious or charitable organization or institution;
      (2)   Proof of a charitable or religious tax exemption according to the Federal Internal Revenue Code for the last five years;
      (3)   The location or premises in which the gaming activity is conducted;
      (4)   The names of the personnel working the gaming activities, their home addresses, dates of birth and Social Security numbers. In the event of a change, the organization shall so notify the police at least one week in advance before the new individual begins work;
      (5)   An affidavit from each worker to the effect that he or she is receiving no remuneration or compensation whatsoever for his or her services;
      (6)   In the event the gaming is conducted off the religious or charitable organization’s premises, an affidavit to the effect that no compensation is being paid, either for services or personnel to assist in operation of the gaming activity;
      (7)   The date or dates and time scheduled for said activities; and
      (8)   A weekly accounting of all money received, paid out and/or retained for charitable use. This accounting is to be furnished on Wednesdays during normal working hours to the City Police Department.
   (C)   This chapter shall require registration by March 30, 1997 of all existing charitable or religious organizations conducting charitable gaming activities and after said date, any new organization shall register prior to conducting any charitable gaming activity.
   (D)   Registration required by this chapter shall be with the City Police Department at least one week prior to the first event, on forms and affidavits provided by said department. Proof of charitable or religious tax exemption shall be provided by the applicants.
(1992 Code, § 119.01) (Ord. 04-97, passed 3-18-1997)
§ 119.02 AFFIDAVIT.
   Each worker at the charitable gaming activity shall also be responsible for completion of the affidavit required in § 119.01(B)(5) and seeing that it is filed with the City Police Department at least seven days prior to working.
(1992 Code, § 119.02)
   Charitable gaming activities of any one charitable organization shall be limited to two days in any week for a period not to exceed six hours in any one day; provided, however, that no charitable organization shall have charitable gaming activities for more than two consecutive days.
(1992 Code, § 119.03) (Ord. 04-97, passed 3-18-1997)
   Charitable gaming activities shall only be located within the confines of the charities’ principal location and/or principal place of operation within the city provided however, that charitable gaming activities shall not occur at any location where the charities’ principal operation within the city is the charitable gaming activity.
(1992 Code, § 119.04) (Ord. 04-97, passed 3-18-1997)
   This chapter shall not apply to any city sponsored activities.
(1992 Code, § 119.05) (Ord. 04-97, passed 3-18-1997)