112.01 Definitions
112.02 Alcoholic Beverage Control Administrator
112.03 City alcoholic beverage licenses
112.04 Qualifications for license
112.05 Application for license
112.06 Denial of license application
112.07 License suspension or revocation
112.08 Term of license
112.09 License fee
112.10 Times when retail sales are prohibited
112.99 Penalty
(A) For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ADMINISTRATOR. The office of City Alcoholic Beverage Control Administrator as required by KRS 241.160 and assigned to the City Clerk pursuant to § 112.02.
PERSON. Any natural person, corporation, partnership, joint venture or unincorporated association of persons or any combination thereof, and the shareholders, officers, agents, servants and employees thereof.
(B) Many additional words and phrases used in this chapter are also used and defined in KRS Chapters 241, 242, 243 and 244. The meanings of these words and phrases as defined by state statutes have the same meaning in this chapter.
(1992 Code, § 112.01) (Ord. 02-2014, passed 6-17-2014)
(A) For the privilege of causing, permitting, and engaging in the actions, business and transactions regarding alcoholic beverages in the city and pursuant to KRS 243.070, all of the alcoholic beverage licenses authorized for cities are hereby established and required by the city. The business authorized by each license shall be the same as the business authorized by the corresponding state license.
(B) No person shall by either act or omission, cause, permit, allow, aid, assist, encourage or engage in any business authorized by such license in the city without a valid license to engage in such business.
(1992 Code, § 112.03) (Ord. 02-2014, passed 6-17-2014)