   (A)   The city shall be governed by an elected executive who shall be called Mayor and by an elected legislative body which shall be called the City Council, and by such other officers and employees as are provided for by statute or city ordinance.
(KRS 83A.130(2))
   (B)   As set forth in KRS 83A.010(8), a legislative body member means a City Council member.
   (C)   The City Council shall be composed of six members who shall serve a term of two years.
(KRS 83A.030(1))
   (D)   The executive authority of the city is vested in and shall be exercised by the Mayor who shall serve a term of four years.
(KRS 83A.130(11) (1992 Code § 30.015)
Statutory reference:
   For similar provisions under state law governing the number of Council members, see KRS 83A.030(1)
   (A)   The executive authority of the city shall be vested in and exercised by the Mayor. The Mayor shall enforce the Mayor-Council plan, city ordinances and orders and all applicable statutes. The Mayor shall supervise all departments of the city government and the conduct of all city officers and employees under his or her jurisdiction and shall require each department to make reports to him or her required by ordinance as he or she and the City Council deems desirable. The Mayor shall maintain liaison with related units of local government respecting interlocal contracting and joint activities. The Mayor shall report to the Council and to the public on the condition and needs of city government as the Mayor finds appropriate or as required by ordinance, but not less than annually. The Mayor shall make any recommendations for actions by the Council the Mayor finds in the public interest. Subject to disapproval of the Council, the Mayor shall promulgate procedures to ensure orderly administration of the functions of the city government and compliance with statute or ordinance. Upon promulgation or upon revision or rescission of the procedures, copies shall be filed with the person responsible for maintaining city records as provided under KRS 83A.060.   
   (B)    The Mayor shall be recognized as the official head of the city for ceremonial and military purposes and as the agent upon whom civil process may be served for the municipal corporation.
   (C)   Any delegation of the Mayor’s power, duties or responsibilities to subordinate officers and employees and any expression of his or her official authority to fulfill executive functions shall be made by executive order. Executive orders shall be sequentially numbered by years and shall be kept in a permanent file.
   (D)   The Mayor shall be the appointing authority with power to appoint and remove all city employees, except as tenure and terms of employment are protected by statute, ordinance or contract and except for employees of the Council.
   (E)   The Mayor shall provide for the orderly continuation of the functions of city government.
   (F)   No vacancy by reason of a voluntary resignation in the office of Mayor shall occur unless a written resignation which specifies the resignation date is tendered to the City Council. The resignation shall be effective at the next regular meeting of the city legislative body.
(1992 Code, § 30.016) (Ord. 17-84, passed 6-28-1984)
   (A)   The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Council. The Council has the authority to establish, by ordinance, the manner in which one of its number may be selected to preside at meetings of the Council in the absence of the Mayor.
   (B)   The Mayor may participate in Council proceedings, but shall not have a vote, except that he or she may cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.
(KRS 83A.130(5)) (1992 Code, § 30.017)
   (A)   The legislative authority of the city shall be vested in and exercised by the elected Council of the city. The City Council shall not perform any executive functions except those functions assigned to it by statute.
   (B)   Regular meetings of the City Council shall be held at the City Building, 176 Johns Hill Road, at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Mayor or upon written request of a majority of the Council. In the call, the Mayor or Council shall designate the purpose, time and place of the special meeting with sufficient notice for the attendance of Council members and for compliance with KRS 61.820. At a special meeting, no business may be considered other than that set forth in the designation of purpose.
   (C)   The Council shall, by ordinance, establish all appointive offices and the duties and responsibilities of those offices and codes, rules and regulations for the public health, safety and welfare. The Council shall, by ordinance, provide for sufficient revenue to operate city government and shall appropriate the funds of the city in a budget which shall provide for the orderly management of city resources.
   (D)   The Council shall have the right to investigate all activities of city government. The Council may require any city officer or employee to prepare and submit to it sworn statements regarding his or her performance of his or her official duties.
   (E)   (1)   No vacancy by reason of a voluntary resignation of a member of the City Council shall occur unless a written resignation which specifies the resignation date is tendered to the City Council.
      (2)   The resignation shall be effective at the next regular meeting of the city legislative body.
(1992 Code, § 30.018) (Ord. 17-84, passed 6-28-1984; Ord. 5-96, passed 7-2-1996; Ord. 01-2019, passed 2-5-2019)
   As compensation for their services herein above, the Mayor and each Council member shall receive compensation at rates as set by ordinance and incorporated herein by reference.
(1992 Code, § 30.019)
   (A)   Establishment. There is hereby established a Police Department composed of a Chief of Police and police officers whose employment shall be subject to and whose compensation is fixed by the current personnel ordinance.
   (B)   Chief of Police. There is hereby created the position of Chief of Police who shall be appointed and removed solely by the Mayor. The Chief of Police shall be head of the Police Department and have supervision of all officers and members thereof. He or she shall keep such records and make such reports to the Mayor concerning the activities of his or her department as may be required by statute of city ordinance. Under the overall authority and supervision of the Mayor, the Chief of Police shall be responsible for the performance by the Police Department, and all persons who are members of the Police Department shall serve subject to the orders of the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall be specifically charged with the supervision of all members of the department, and shall be held strictly responsible to the Mayor for the conduct and efficiency of all such members for the general good order of the department. The Chief of Police in the exercise of his or her duties shall have the power to establish and enforce rules and regulations for the government of the members and the employees of the department, which rules shall, however, be consistent with the ordinances of the city and the laws of the state. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to cause the public peace to be preserved and to enforce all ordinances of the city. The Chief of Police shall receive and give proper attention to complaints of all persons referred to him or her and perform such other duties as may be required from time to time. The Chief of Police shall have full power and authority to reprimand any member of the Police Department, and to file charges against any member or members of the Police Department for nonconformance with the rules and regulations of the department.
   (A)   The City Attorney shall be employed by the city on a contractual basis, and shall serve as the general law officer and legal counsel of the city. He or she shall be an attorney licensed to practice in the state. He or she shall be chosen solely on the basis of his or her legal qualifications, with special emphasis on actual experience in or knowledge of state municipal and administrative law.
   (B)   The City Attorney shall advise the Mayor, the City Council and all other city officers and employees in all legal matters pertaining to their municipal duties or affecting the interests of the city; shall appear for and defend the city in all legal actions and administrative proceedings in which the city is a party or is interested; shall institute legal action for and in behalf of the city wherever necessary for protection or enforcement of rights or interests of the city; shall prepare and examine ordinances, resolutions, orders and legal instruments as City Council may direct; and generally shall attend to all legal business of the city.