For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ASHES. Residue from materials consumed by fire.
   BLIGHT. Tall (eight inches or above) unkept grasses, weeds or undergrowth, not cultivated in the course of farming.
   DUMPOUTS. Any material emptied from a vehicle or building upon streets, roadsides or public places other than that emptied in appropriate litter receptacles.
   GARBAGE. Putrescible animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food.
   HANDBILL. Any printed or written material (excluding newspapers) which advertises for sale any commodity, or thing, or which directs attention to any business or other activity or event of any kind.
   LITTER BAG. A bag, cask or container made of any material which is large enough to serve as a receptacle for litter inside the vehicle or watercraft of any person.
   LITTER RECEPTACLE. Those containers meeting the requirements of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.
   LITTER, REFUSE or SOLID WASTE. All putrescible and nonputrescible solid wastes and semisolid wastes including, garbage, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, swill, demolition and construction wastes, abandoned vehicles or parts thereof, and discarded commodities.
   NEWSPAPER. Any newspaper of general circulation as defined by general law.
   OVERLOADED LITTER RECEPTACLE. Any litter receptacle which contains an amount of litter that prevents the litter receptacle lid or cover from properly resting or placed in its closed position against the respective litter receptacle.
   PARK. A reservation, playground, beach, recreation center or any other areas in the city, devoted to active or passive outdoor recreation.
   PERSON. Any individual, industry, public or private corporation, co-partnership, association, firm or other entity whatsoever.
   PRIVATE PROPERTY. Any property not publicly-owned or held out for use by the public.
   PUBLIC PLACE. Any area that is used or held out for use by the public whether owned or operated by the public or private interests.
   SOLID WASTE. All putrescible and nonputrescible solid and semisolid wastes including garbage, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, swill, demolition and construction wastes, abandoned vehicles or parts thereof, and discarded commodities.
   STREET. Any highway, road, alley, collector, local, arterial or freeway within the political subdivision.
   SWEEPOUTS. Any collection of debris, resulting from clean-up operations that is deposited in or around a public place.
   VEHICLE. Every device capable of being moved upon a public street and in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a public street, excepting devices moved by human or animal power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
   WATERCRAFT. Any boat, ship, vessel, barge or other floating craft.
(1992 Code, § 96.01)