For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDON. Desert, forsake, complete disinterest in the fate of the animal, turned loose to fend on its own, dumped.
   ANIMAL. Any live vertebrate creature.
   ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. Any person designated by the Director of the County Animal Shelter as a law enforcement officer who is qualified to perform such duties under the laws of the commonwealth and the county.
   ANIMAL SHELTER. A facility to house stray and unwanted animals, operated by a local government or a humane agency.
   AT LARGE. Off the premises of the owner and not under the immediate effective control of the owner or custodian either by leash, cord or chain or effectively confined within the area of the owner’s premises.
   CAT. Any cat of either sex, over six months of age.
   COMMERCIAL ANIMAL ESTABLISHMENT. Any pet shop, boarding or breeding kennel, a riding, boarding or breeding stable, grooming facility, auction, petting zoo, zoological park, circus or performing animal exhibition.
   DIRECTOR OF HUMANE SERVICES. Director of County Animal Shelter, as appointed by the County Judge/Executive and approved by the County Fiscal Court.
   DOG. Any dog of either sex, over six months of age.
   DOG WARDEN. Person named by the County Fiscal Court to be Chief Animal Control Officer.
   DOMESTICATED. Any animal kept, cared for, sheltered, fed or harbored for use in work, for use as a pet, or as a source of food, raw materials or income.
   HARBORING. Permitting any animal to remain, be lodged and fed within the person’s home, yard, place of business or enclosure.
   IMPOUNDED. Having been received into custody of the County Animal Shelter, or any authorized representative thereof.
   INOCULATE. The administration of an anti-rabic vaccine in a manner approved by the Board of Health of the commonwealth.
   OWNER. Includes every person having a right of property in the dog or cat or any other animal and every person who keeps or harbors an animal or has it in his or her care or permits it to remain on or about premises owned by him or her. If an animal is owned by a family, all adult members of the family, individually and jointly, shall be deemed OWNERS of the animal for the purpose of this chapter.
   PERSON. All natural persons, partnerships, firms, associations, governmental bodies and agencies and corporations, and whenever used in any interpretation.
   PET. Domesticated animal kept for pleasure rather than utility.
   PUBLIC NUISANCE. Any animal or animals that:
      (1)   Molest passers-by or passing vehicles;
      (2)   Is repeatedly at large;
      (3)   Attacks people or other animals;
      (4)   Damages public or private property; and/or
      (5)   Barks, whines or howls in an excess or continuous or untimely fashion.
   RESTRAINT. To be secured by a leash or chain or in an enclosed pen or yard.
   RUNNING AT LARGE. Any animal that is off the property of the owner, custodian, possessor or harborer and is not under control of a leash.
   STRAY. Any animal running at large.
   VETERINARIAN. Any person licensed to practice the profession of veterinary medicine in this commonwealth, or in any other state in which the standards and requirements therefor are equal or superior to those in this commonwealth.
   VETERINARY HOSPITAL. Any establishment maintained and operated by a licensed veterinarian for surgery, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the animal.
   VICIOUS. Any animal or animals that constitute a physical threat to human beings or other animals.
   WILD ANIMAL. Any animal not domesticated or not ordinarily tame, such as, monkeys, raccoons, skunks, wolves, foxes, deer, wild cats, snakes or any other animal which can normally be found in the wild state.
(1992 Code, § 91.01) (Ord. 445, passed 7-11-1974)