In the event of deterioration of an existing mobile home located outside of an area zoned for mobile homes, due to age or wear and tear, rot, decay, corrosion or other similar gradual deterioration of the mobile home, or in the event of the failure of the owner to exercise the automatic replacement variance within the time specified, the same may be replaced upon the following terms and conditions:
   (a)   That a petition signed by all the owners of any lot or portion thereof within 200 feet of the outside perimeter of the lot upon which the mobile home is to be located, assenting to the replacement of the mobile home, is filed with the Building Inspector.
   (b)   That the replacement home is placed on a permanent foundation of poured concrete or cement block with poured concrete footers.
   (c)   That no more than one mobile home may be placed on one platted lot within the Municipality except in areas zoned for mobile homes.
   (d)   That the replacement mobile home must be of an age equal to or newer than the mobile home which is being replaced.
   (e)   That a detailed diagram of the foundation is filed with the Building Inspector.
   (f)   That the Zoning Board approves the application for a variance.
   (g)   That the home is connected to the Municipal sewer and water lines and has trash removal service.
(Ord. 98-12. Passed 6-15-98.)