A.   Purpose: The purpose of the preliminary plat phase, insofar as possible, is to assist the subdivider and the reviewing authorities in determining whether the proposed subdivision conforms to the standards and requirements of this title and the pertinent standards and regulations of affected municipal departments. The preliminary plat is the document which shall be used for review by the economic development committee and the village engineer.
   B.   Plat Required; Waiver:
      1.   The subdivider shall prepare a preliminary plat and the supporting documentation required by this title. The economic development committee may waive the requirements for a preliminary plat if it determines:
         a.   That five (5) lots of less than five (5) acres each are created; and
         b.   The subdivision fronts on an existing adequately improved street; and
         c.   The subdivision does not involve any new streets or easements of access or the extension of other municipal facilities; and
         d.   The subdivision does not adversely affect adjoining or nearby property or the development of the remainder of the parcel; and
         e.   The subdivision does not conflict with any provision of the official plan.
         f.   The subdivision proposed for platting does not constitute a portion of a larger tract of land owned, or under option to purchase, by the subdivider.
         g.   The subdivision proposed for platting does not constitute a portion of a larger land area, the development of which will be complicated by unusual problems of drainage, street layout, utility services, land usage, or of land ownership pattern.
      2.   When the economic development committee does waive the requirement for a preliminary plat, the following shall apply:
         a.   The requirement for a final plat shall continue to be in effect.
         b.   The fee shall be paid when the final plat is submitted.
         c.   All the documentation required to support a preliminary plat must be submitted with the final plat.
         d.   The economic development committee shall hold a public hearing before taking action on the final plat.
         e.   No further subdivision of adjacent land owned by the same beneficial interest shall be considered for subdivisions within five (5) years without full compliance with the requirements for a preliminary plat.
   C.   Information Required: The preliminary plat shall be prepared by a professional engineer and a professional land surveyor. The preliminary plat, and construction drawings approved by the village engineer, are to be approved by the village board of trustees before any subdivision development is started. The following items and information shall be shown on the preliminary plat; all mapped data shall be presented at a scale of one inch to one hundred feet (1" = 100') or larger, on sheets not larger than twenty four inches by thirty six inches (24" x 36"), with lettering not smaller than one-tenth inch (1/10"), so that the plat is clearly legible without magnification:
      1.   General Information:
         a.   The proposed name of the subdivision; landowner's, engineer's and surveyor's names and addresses.
         b.   The location of the subdivision by township, range, and section for reference; section or quarter section corners shall be indicated.
         c.   The preliminary plat approval certificate. See subsection H of this section for the preliminary plat approval certificate form.
      2.   Existing Conditions:
         a.   The locations, width, and names of all existing public and/or private streets, railroads, or other public ways and utility rights of way within and/or adjacent to the tract to within two hundred feet (200') of the boundary of the tract.
         b.   The locations and size of all existing sanitary sewerage, water mains and appurtenances, storm drainage, known field drainage tile or other known underground facilities within the tract or near the tract, and any such known facilities entering or exiting the tract.
         c.   The topography, spot elevations at critical points and contour intervals of not greater than two feet (2'), regardless of grade, related to the national geodetic vertical datum of 1929 or 1988 (mean sea level) on the site, within one hundred feet (100') of the boundaries of the site, and for additional distance beyond if necessary to adequately depict drainage conditions.
         d.   The location and identification of all public and quasi- public areas and civil division lines within and/or adjacent to the tract, to within two hundred feet (200') of the boundary of the tract.
         e.   The location and identification of all recorded subdivisions lying adjacent to, or across a public right of way from, the tract.
         f.   Drainage characteristics including wetlands, drainage patterns, flood prone areas as identified on flood prone area maps of the federal emergency management agency, and the acreage and identification of the drainage basin or basins that lie upstream from the tract of land that is proposed for subdivision.
         g.   The location and identification of all existing manmade features such as buildings, high tension towers, public water and sewer lines, pipelines, excavations, bridges, railroad tracks, culverts and related items within and/or adjacent to the tract, to within one hundred feet (100') of the boundary of the tract proposed to be subdivided. The preliminary plat shall note the location of the nearest public sewer and public water lines.
         h.   The location of existing streams, rivers, drains, lakes, ponds and impoundments within and/or adjacent to the tract to within one hundred feet (100') of the tract.
         i.   The land use and existing zoning of the proposed subdivision and adjacent tracts.
         j.   Boundary line of proposed subdivision indicated by solid heavy line so designated, and the total approximate acreage encompassed thereby.
         k.   Other items required to properly depict the existing situation.
      3.   Proposed Conditions:
         a.   Arterial streets (80 foot right of way) are required on approximately mile section lines, and collector streets (70 foot right of way) are required on approximately one-half (1/2) mile section lines. (See the major street plan of the village for exact location.) Collector street locations not specifically depicted upon the major street plan may be designated by the village board at the time of review of the preliminary plat.
         b.   The locations, width, and names of proposed streets and rights of way widths including connections to adjoining public and/or private street rights of way.
         c.   The location and width of walkways and easements including connections to adjoining public lands and public and/or private walkways and easements.
         d.   Easements for public utilities and maintenance.
         e.   All lots, including the required setback lines and scaled dimensions of typical lots. All lots contained on the proposed plat must be numbered in consecutive order.
         f.   The location and acreage of any proposed public and/or quasi-public land within the tract. Before the economic development committee approves a preliminary plat showing park reservation or land for other local government use that is proposed to be dedicated to the local government, the committee shall obtain approval of the park or land reservation from its governing body.
         g.   The plan of any proposed watercourses or impoundments, including stream relocation, showing normal water levels and direction of flow.
         h.   The provisions for water supply, sewage disposal, and stormwater disposal indicated by a general drainage plan of sufficient detail to show how the water will be moved over the site, and subsurface drainage including provisions for continual maintenance of natural drainage courses and field drainage tile systems. Known on site field drainage tile systems serving areas off the site shall be located in designated easements.
   D.   Submission Of Preliminary Plat:
      1.   Subdividers shall submit the following to the village chair of the economic development committee:
         a.   Three (3) copies of the preliminary plat and supportive materials as required, at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the economic development committee meeting at which the subdivider wishes the preliminary plat to be considered.
         b.   An application fee to accompany the submittal or resubmittal of a preliminary plat for a subdivision within the corporate limits of the village or within the one and one-half (11/2) mile extraterritorial jurisdiction of the village. Said fee shall be provided in section 12-3-4 of this title. The check shall be made payable to the village.
         c.   Completed preliminary plat application form, said form approved by the village, including all attachments thereto.
         d.   List of waivers being requested.
         e.   Subdividers may also submit additional copies of the preliminary plat for the purpose of obtaining copies of executed preliminary plats, pending village board approval. The additional copies of the preliminary plat shall remain the property of the subdivider. See subsection H of this section for the preliminary plat approval certificate.
      2.   Subdividers shall also submit the following to the village engineer:
         a.   Two (2) copies of the preliminary plat and supportive materials as required, at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the economic development committee meeting at which the subdivider wishes the preliminary plat to be considered.
         b.   List of waivers being requested.
   E.   Review Of Plat: The economic development committee and the village engineer shall concurrently examine the preliminary plat for compliance with this title, with special attention given to the following (a similar review shall be made by the village engineer if requested by the chair of the economic development committee or the village board of trustees):
      1.   Design standards and information requirements as set forth by this title.
      2.   Streets and thoroughfares as related to neighborhood circulation and existing and proposed topography.
      3.   Existing zoning and existing and planned land use.
      4.   The village comprehensive plan, including the land use plan and major street plan.
      5.   Land required for schools, parks, or other public use.
      6.   Utility methods and systems, drainage and street improvement.
      7.   Watercourses and floodplain areas.
      8.   The existence of threatened or endangered species of plants or animals.
      9.   The existence of archaeological or historic resources.
   F.   Mobile Home Or Mobile Home Park Fee: The submittal or resubmittal of a preliminary plat for a subdivision (be it within the corporate limits of the village or within the 11/2 mile extraterritorial jurisdictional area of the village), which includes a "mobile home" or "mobile home park" (as such terms are defined in section 11-3-2 of this code) shall be accompanied by an application fee made payable to the village. The payment of this fee shall be in addition to any other fees (including preliminary platting fees) required by this title or any other ordinance. The amount of the fee shall be as provided in section 12-3-4 of this title.
   G.   Approval Or Disapproval Of Preliminary Plat:
      1.   If all the above requirements have been satisfied, the chair of the economic development committee will present the preliminary plat to the economic development committee at the next regular meeting. If requested by the economic development committee, the subdivider or a responsible representative shall attend this meeting. The committee shall either:
         a.   Recommend disapproval of the preliminary plat.
         b.   Recommend approval of the preliminary plat.
         c.   Recommend approval of the preliminary plat, subject to minor modifications.
      2.   If the economic development committee recommends disapproval of the preliminary plat, the reasons for the recommendation for denial shall be clearly set forth and communicated in writing to the subdivider.
      3.   If the economic development committee recommends approval of the preliminary plat, it shall be so executed at that time. The original preliminary plat and two (2) copies must be executed by the chair of the village economic development committee. Any additional preliminary plats provided by the subdivider must also be executed at that time. See subsection H of this section for the preliminary plat approval certificate form.
      4.   The chair of the economic development committee shall then submit the recommendation of the committee to the village board of trustees for their review, consideration and approval or disapproval.
      5.   If the village board of trustees approves the preliminary plat, it shall be so executed at that time by the mayor and the village clerk. The original preliminary plat and two (2) copies must be executed. Any additional preliminary plats provided by the subdivider must also be executed at that time. See subsection H of this section for the preliminary plat approval certificate form.
      6.   The approval of the preliminary plat by the village board of trustees shall be in effect for a period of one year from the approval date. The period that approval is in effect may be extended administratively by action of the village board for up to one additional year. If the final plat and subdivision improvement drawings and specifications have not been filed on or before this date, then the preliminary plat approval shall become null and void; and if the preliminary plat becomes null and void, then a resubmittal of the preliminary plat for the development will be required just as if the development were starting anew.
      7.   Approval of the preliminary plat by the village confers upon the subdivider the following rights for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of approval, subject to existing law, or ordinances or statutes: The subdivider may submit on or before the expiration date a final plat for the whole or part thereof of the preliminary plat for consideration by the village.
      8.   Approval of the preliminary plat by the village board of trustees shall be indicated on the drawings.
   H.   Plat Approval Certificate: On the preliminary plat, the following certificate shall appear:
VILLAGE CLERK               
   (Ord. 2009-99, 8-24-2009; amd. 2011 Code)