The City Clerk shall, after the review and recommendation by City staff, approve or deny an application for a restaurant patio within twenty (20) business days of the City Clerk's receipt of a completed application. If the City Clerk denies an application for a restaurant patio, then the City Clerk shall explain the following in writing:
   A.   Statutes, ordinances, and standards used in evaluating the application;
   B.   Reasons for denial; and
   C.   The actions, if any, that the applicant could take to obtain approval for a restaurant patio.
Service of the City Clerk's written denial may be accomplished by hand-delivery or mail. If such written denial is hand-delivered, it shall be deemed received immediately. If such written denial is mailed, it shall be deemed received seventy-two (72) hours after depositing the same in the U.S. mail, first class, certified, or registered and addressed to the applicant's last known address. (Ord. 2020-634, 10-28-2020)