There is hereby adopted by the village the one- and two-family code of the Council Of American Building Officials (CABO code) of 1989 together with the accumulative supplements thereto. And in addition thereto, it is hereby adopted by the village for the purpose of regulating all construction not otherwise covered by said CABO code the buildings and building regulations of the Kankakee County code 1 , adopted June 9, 1991, as promulgated by the Kankakee County board of Kankakee County together with the accumulative supplements thereto. The provisions of such CABO code and county code, buildings and building regulations shall govern all matters covered therein to the extent that the same are not in conflict with nor amended by any provision of this code or other ordinances of the village and further provided that the provisions of said county code section 5-1-4(C) shall govern all matters concerning plumbing, and the provisions of the CABO code and county code shall be applicable to the extent that the same are not provided for in said Illinois state plumbing code. Specific provisions of this village code or other ordinances of the village shall take precedence and shall govern all matters otherwise covered in said CABO code and county code. (Ord., 5-18-1992)



1. Kankakee County code, ch. 5.