§ 130.99  PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
   (B)   Any person violating any provision of §§ 130.01 and 130.02 shall, in addition to any other penalties and remedies provided by law, be guilty of a petty offense and shall be fined in an amount as set by the Board and court costs. Each day that §§ 130.01 and 130.02 is violated shall constitute a separate violation. In addition to, or instead of the fine imposed by this section, the court may order a parent, legal guardian, or other person convicted of a violation of § 130.02 to perform community service as determined by the court.
   (C)   Any person violating any of the provisions of §§ 130.15 through 130.27 shall be subject to a fine in an amount as set by the Board.
(Ord. passed 5-7-1968; Ord. 187, passed 10-6-1998)