   (A)   General description. This district is intended to protect agricultural lands and to preserve the natural beauty and open character of forested and other natural growth areas from incompatible land uses.
   (B)   Uses permitted on review.
      (1)   Signs, as regulated in § 155.62; and
      (2)   Plant nurseries.
(Ord. 10.6, passed 3-17-2009)
   (A)   General description. This district is for the protection of drainage ways to permit the unimpeded flow of surface run-off without endangering life and health or causing property damage due to flooding. Specific uses and occupancies in the Floodway District are governed by the floodplain regulations, Chapter 151.
   (B)   No building or development is allowed in a floodway.
(Ord. 10.6, passed 3-17-2009)
   (A)   General description. This district provides areas for government and public services.
   (B)   Permitted principal and accessory uses and structures. This shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   Government administration facilities;
      (2)   Government maintenance facilities;
      (3)   Government utilities;
      (4)   Public schools;
      (5)   Libraries, museums, and historical monuments or structures;
      (6)   Cemeteries; and
      (7)   Police station, fire station, and/or temporary holding facility, two cell maximum.
   (C)   Uses on review: jail and juvenile detention centers.
   (D)   Area regulations. The following requirements shall apply to all uses permitted in this district:
      (1)   Front yard: none.
      (2)   Side yard. No side yard is required, except that the width of a side yard which abuts a residential district shall be not less than 25 feet.
      (3)   Rear yard. Where a commercial building is to be serviced from the rear, there shall be provided an alleyway, service courts, rear yard, or combination thereof of not less than 35 feet in depth. The depth of a rear yard which abuts a residential district shall be not less than 25 feet. In all other cases, no rear yard is required.
      (4)   Maximum lot coverage. Main and accessory building shall cover not more than 75% of the lot area.
   (E)   Off-street parking. As regulated in § 155.59.
   (F)   Height regulations. As regulated in § 155.57.
   (G)   Lighting. To be reviewed.
(Ord. 10.6, passed 3-17-2009)
   (A)   General description. This district is to provide for residential development, with the principal uses of land being residential with the allowance of livestock, as defined and regulated in Chapter 90. The principal uses of land may range from residences and manufactured homes, to uses which are functionally compatible with intensive residential uses while allowing limited livestock to be maintained on the property. Recreational, religious, education facilities, and other related uses in keeping with the residential character of the district may be permitted on review by the governing body.
   (B)   Permitted principal and accessory uses and structures: as provided in § 155.32.
   (C)   Uses permitted on review: as provided in § 155.32.
   (D)   Area regulations: as provided in § 155.30.
   (E)   Height regulations: as provided in § 155.30.
   (F)   Off-street parking: as provided in § 155.59.
(Ord. 10.6R.A2, passed 2-17-2015)