A.   An applicant for a social game license shall be denied if the city of Heppner finds:
      1.   That within ten (10) years of the present application date, the applicant or any person having a financial interest in the private business, private club, or place of public accommodation, or any of the applicant's officers or principal managing employees has been convicted of, or if evidence exists that supports a finding by a preponderance of evidence, that such person has committed any felony or misdemeanor under federal or state law or this chapter relating to theft, fraud, gambling, controlled substances, or prostitution activities; or
      2.   That the applicant or any person having a financial interest in the private business, private club, or place of public accommodation, or any of the applicant's officers or principal managing employees has falsified any statement in the application for license.
      3.   That any violation of federal or state law or this chapter relating to gambling has occurred on the premises described in the application. It shall be prima facie evidence of such violation if any person has forfeited bail on, pleaded nolo contendere to, or been convicted of any offense in violation of federal or state law or this chapter relating to gambling or gambling devices where the act charged occurred on the premises described in the license application.
      4.   That the applicant or any person having a financial interest in the private business, private club or place of public accommodation has permitted the commission of any criminal act on the premises described in the application or has failed to maintain the premises in conformance with all the requirements of this chapter.
      5.   Any false or misleading information is supplied in the application or any information requested is omitted from the application.
      6.   Any person financially interested in the business has had a license in his or her name revoked or suspended three (3) or more times by the Oregon liquor control commission, the last of which was in the last five (5) years.
   B.   If one or more grounds for denial of a license as described in subsection A of this section are not established after investigation of the application by the city of Heppner with assistance from the Morrow County sheriff then the license shall be issued as soon as practicable. (Ord. 566-09, 7-13-2009)