A. As used in this Chapter, the word "peddler" includes any person, whether a resident of the City or not:
1. Who goes from house-to-house or from place-to-place within the City without invitation offering or exposing for sale, selling or taking orders for goods, wares or merchandise or any article or thing of value for present or future delivery or for services then to be performed or to be performed in the future or for the making, manufacturing or repair of any article or things whatsoever for present or future delivery.
2. Who, without traveling from place to place, sells or offers for sale from an automotive vehicle or other vehicle or conveyance any goods, wares or merchandise, article or thing for present or future delivery.
3. Who engages in a temporary business of selling or offering for sale goods, wares or merchandise or any article or thing of value for present or future delivery, or for services then to be performed or to be performed in the future or for the making, manufacture or repair of any article or thing whatsoever for present or future delivery.
4. Who, in furtherance of such purpose, hires, leases, uses or occupies any building, structure, motor vehicle, trailer, tent, public room in a hotel, lodging house, apartment, shop or any street or alley or other place within the City for the exhibition and sale of such goods, wares, merchandise, service or manufactured article.
B. The word "peddler" does not include:
1. A newspaper vendor or a regular commercial traveler employed by a wholesale house and selling goods, wares, merchandise or services to merchants of the City for the purpose of resale, or representatives of public utilities.
2. A person soliciting money, donations of money or property or financial assistance of any kind or selling or distributing any item of literature or merchandise for a fee upon the streets, in office buildings, by house-to-house canvass or in public places for a charitable, religious, patriotic or philanthropic purpose.
3. A person who sells his own property which was not acquired for resale, barter or exchange and who does not conduct such sales or act as a participant by furnishing goods in such a sale more than twice during any calendar year. (Ord. 460, 5-5-86; 1995 Code)