A.   All contracts shall be based upon competitive bids except:
      1.   Contracts made with or the cost of which is provided by other public agencies or the Federal government.
      2.   Contracts for any purchase, the amount of which is less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00).
      3.   Contracts for any item which is available only through one company, firm or individual.
   B.   The Contract Review Board may, by resolution, exempt other contracts from competitive bidding if it finds:
      1.   The lack of bids will not result in favoritism or substantially diminished competition in awarding the contract; and
      2.   The exemption will result in substantial cost savings.
In making such finding, the Board may consider the type, cost, amount of the contract, number of persons available to bid, and such other factors as the Board may deem appropriate. (Ord. 398, 1-3-76; 1995 Code)