A.   The penalty for committing a civil infraction is a fine. The law creating an infraction may impose other penalties in addition to a fine, but may not impose a term of imprisonment.
   B.   Except as otherwise provided by this Code, the maximum fine for an infraction committed by an individual is:
      1.   Two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for a Class A infraction.
      2.   One thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for a Class B infraction.
      3.   Five hundred dollars ($500.00) for a Class C infraction.
      4.   Two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for a Class D infraction.
   C.   Except as otherwise provided in this Code, the presumptive fines for infractions are:
      1.   Four hundred forty dollars ($440.00) for a Class A infraction;
      2.   Two hundred sixty five dollars ($265.00) for a Class B infraction;
      3.   One hundred sixty five dollars ($165.00) for a Class C infraction; and
      4.   One hundred fifteen dollars ($115.00) for a Class D infraction.
   D.   For any infraction described in this Code that is designated as an infraction but does not specify a classification of infraction, the unclassified infraction is a Class B infraction.
   E.   Security deposits to request hearing shall be the same amount as the presumptive fine for the infraction.
   F.   The infraction fees set forth in this section match the violation fines set forth in Oregon Revised Statutes 153.018 and 153.019 as enacted at the time of passage of this section. The infraction amounts in this section shall be revised to match the corresponding classification fee amounts of the two (2) statutes as those statutes are revised and amended without any further action by the Council. (Ord. 579-17, 5-8-2017)