(A)   All sentences of imprisonment shall be executed by the Chief of Police of the municipality, and any person convicted of a violation of any ordinance of the municipality and sentenced to imprisonment shall be confined in the jail, farm or workhouse, of the municipality, in the discretion of the Court, for the time specified in the sentence.
   (B)   (1)   If, after conviction, judgment of imprisonment is entered, a copy thereof, certified by the Clerk, shall be delivered to the Chief of Police, the Sheriff of the county or other appropriate police officer.
      (2)   Such copy shall be sufficient warrant for execution of the sentence.
   (C)   Assessment of costs of incarceration.
      (1)   For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         COSTS OF INCARCERATION. The costs of booking, receiving and processing out, housing, food, clothing, medical care, dental care and psychiatric services.
      (2)   (a)   Upon conviction or receiving a continued sentence, a person who was actually received into custody at a jail facility utilized by the town for the purposes of housing prisoners for alleged or adjudicated violations of municipal ordinances shall pay for the costs of incarceration.
         (b)   The Court shall order the defendant to reimburse the costs of incarceration, including booking, receiving and processing out, housing, food, clothing, medical care, dental care and psychiatric services.
      (3)   The costs for incarceration shall be determined by the Chief of Police.
      (4)   The costs for housing shall be determined by the actual costs charged by the county jail per 24-hour day or part thereof, measured from 12:01 a.m. to 12:00 midnight. The costs are currently as set forth in the Appendix of Fines and Fees.
      (5)   The cost of incarceration shall be collected by the Clerk of the Municipal Court and deposited with the Town Treasurer as provide for the collection of other costs and fines, which shall be subject to review under the procedures in 22 O.S. Section VIII, Chapter 18, Appendix.
      (6)   The town shall give the defendant notice, either in person or by regular mail of the incarceration costs owed before the costs are collected. The defendant shall have ten days from the date notice is given to object to the amount of the costs solely on the ground that the number of days served is incorrect. If the defendant chooses to make an objection, the defendant shall be directed to the municipal counselor or his or her designee assistant municipal counselor shall evaluate the objection to determine the appropriate number of days of incarceration. The Clerk of the Municipal Court shall assess the costs for the appropriate number of days as determined by the municipal counselor’s office. If no objection is made, the costs may be collected in the amount stated in the notice to the defendant. Costs of incarceration shall be a debt of the defendant owed to the town may be collected as provided by law for collection of any other civil debt or criminal action.
(Prior Code, § 1-9-23) (Ord. 333, passed 10-8-2009)