§ 36.20 BAIL.
   (A)   Release on arrest.
      (1)   Whenever a resident of this town is arrested for the violation of any ordinance, traffic or non-traffic, by a law enforcement officer, the officer shall immediately release such person if he or she acknowledges receipt of a citation by signing it unless it reasonably appears to the officer that the person may cause injury to himself, herself or others or damage to property if released or that the person will not appear in response to the citation.
      (2)   If such person fails to appear in response to the citation a warrant shall be issued for his or her arrest and his or her appearance shall be compelled.
   (B)   Admission to bail. Whenever a resident of this town is arrested by a law enforcement officer for the violation of any ordinance and is not released by being permitted to sign a citation as provided in division (A) of this section, he or she shall be admitted to bail either before or after arraignment, or released on his or her own recognizance.
   (C)   Nonresident. Whenever a nonresident of this town is arrested for a violation, other than a traffic violation, by a law enforcement officer, the defendant shall be eligible to be admitted to bail either before or after arraignment.   (D)   Posting bail. A person who is arrested for a municipal traffic violation by a law enforcement officer shall comply with the procedures provided by law in 22 O.S. § 1115.1 for state traffic violations with respect to release of the arrested person and the following methods of posting bail shall apply:
      (1)   Posting cash bail; and
      (2)   Depositing with the arresting officer a guaranteed arrest bond certificate.
   (E)   Amount of bail; arrests at night. The amount and conditions of bail granted under this section shall be determined by the Judge who shall prescribe rules for the receipt of bail and for the release on recognizance. In the event of arrests at night, or other emergency, or when the Judge is not available, the Chief of Police or his or her designated representative shall be authorized by the Judge under such conditions as shall be prescribed by the Judge to accept a temporary cash bond in a sufficient amount to secure the appearance of the accused, but in no event shall the cash bond be more than the maximum fine provided by ordinance for each offense charged. The Chief of Police or his or her designated representative is authorized subject to such conditions as shall be prescribed by the Judge to release a resident of the town on his or her recognizance.
(Prior Code, § 1-9-21)