(A)   Issuance; form. Except as otherwise provided in the ordinances of this town, upon the filing of a complaint approved by endorsement by the attorney of this town or by the Judge, there shall be issued a warrant of arrest, in substantially the following form:
         The Town of Hennessey to the Marshal of the Municipal Court of Hennessey, Oklahoma. Complaint upon oath having this day been made by (naming complaint) that the offense of (naming the offense in particular but general terms) has been committed and accusing (name of defendant) thereof, you are commanded therefore forthwith to arrest the above named (name of defendant) and bring before me, at                          .
      Witness my hand this                 day of                , 20      .
      Judge of the Municipal Court of Hennessey, Oklahoma
   (B)   Execution. It shall be the duty of the aforesaid marshal, personally, or through a duly constituted member of the police force of this town, or through any other persons lawfully authorized so to act, to execute said warrant as promptly as possible.
(Prior Code, § 1-9-20)