§ 34.06 SALES.
   (A)   Surplus or obsolete equipment; procedure. No surplus or obsolete supplies, materials or equipment may be sold until the Board of Trustees shall have declared them obsolete or surplus. Surplussed supplies, materials and equipment may be sold by the Board of Trustees in whatever manner it decides.
   (B)   Sale of machinery and equipment.
      (1)   Authorization. The Town Board of Trustees is hereby authorized to use any tools, apparatus, machinery, equipment or vehicle belonging to the town, the original cost of which exceeded $500, as a trade in on a cash purchase of any other tools, apparatus, machinery, equipment or vehicle.
      (2)   Procedures. The following procedures shall be used for the sale, by the Town Board of Trustees, of any tools, apparatus, machinery, equipment or vehicle, the original cost of which exceeded $500, belonging to the town:
         (a)   Notice of sale. The Town Board of Trustees shall give notice of such sale by publication in a newspaper of general paid circulation in the county for two successive weekly issues;
         (b)   Manner of bidding. Bids for such tools, apparatus, machinery, equipment or vehicle on sale shall be in writing, sealed and delivered to the office of the Clerk of the town, or a designated employee;
         (c)   Opening of bids. At the next regular meeting, or a special meeting, after the expiration of 15 days from the date of first publication of notice of the sale, the Town Board of Trustees shall open such bids and award such tools, apparatus, machinery, equipment or vehicle to the highest and best bidder with the option of rejecting all bids; and
         (d)   Auction. The Town Board of Trustees may hold a public auction in lieu of advertising for sealed bids as provided above. Such auction shall be advertised as provided herein.
(Prior Code, § 2-1-6) (Ord. 285, passed 4-9-1996; Ord. 347, passed 10-10-2013)