(A)   Conflict of interest. The town officials and employees will comply with the conflict of interest provisions of 11 O.S. § 8-113 when making purchases or entering into contracts on behalf of the town.
   (B)   Purchases.      (1)   Authorization. Purchases shall be authorized in accordance with the provisions of 62 O.S. §§ 310.1(A) and 310.1(B).
      (2)   Board of Trustees. All purchases of supplies, materials, equipment, and contractual services for the offices, departments and agencies of the town government shall be made by the Board of Trustees.
   (C)   Claim vouchers. Invoices and/or the related purchase orders shall also be signed by at least one member of the Town Board of Trustees and included on a claims list for full board approval.
   (D)   Payments. Payments of invoices shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of 11 O.S. § 17-102 and all town checks will have at least three signatures of the Town Treasurer.
(Prior Code, § 2-1-5)