The following are uses permitted in various residential PUDs.
   (A)   Principal uses. When located in R-E, R-1A, R-1, R-3 or RM Districts, the development may consist of one or more dwelling unit types subject to the density limitations specified in § 153.05. Mobile home dwellings are permitted uses only within PUDs which are located in whole or in part in an RM District. Mobile home developments may be reallocated in comparable acreage within the PUD irrespective of the general RM zoning district boundaries if such uses are designed and located to be compatible with other uses of the PUD and with the residential use of adjacent properties.
   (B)   Accessory uses. Accessory uses customarily incidental to principal uses within the PUD are permitted. In addition to accessory uses customarily incidental to permitted principal residential uses, accessory commercial facilities may be included within the residential portion of a PUD in accordance with the following standards:
      (1)   The accessory commercial uses may include, but not be limited to, the following uses. Uses other than those listed herein must be specifically approved by the town’s Planning Commission.
         (a)   Athletic clubs and facilities (public or private);
         (b)   Barber shop;
         (c)   Bakery, retail only;
         (d)   Beauty shop;
         (e)   Book store;
         (f)   Cafeteria;
         (g)   Candy store;
         (h)   Dairy store;
         (i)   Delicatessen;
         (j)   Dry cleaning; pickup;
         (k)   Food specialty store;
         (l)   Gift, novelty, souvenir shop;
         (m)   Grocery (other than supermarkets);
         (n)   Health food store;
         (o)   Hobby store;
         (p)   Ice cream store;
         (q)   Laundry; pickup;
         (r)   Liquor store;
         (s)   Newsstand;
         (t)   Office (performing services to residential areas);
         (u)   Pharmacy;
         (v)   Private club;
         (w)   Pro shop;
         (x)   Restaurant (other than drive-ins);
         (y)   Shoe repair shop;
         (z)   Tailor shop; and
         (aa)   Tobacco store.
      (2)   In residential PUDs the aggregate floor area of accessory commercial uses shall not exceed 50 square feet per dwelling unit or a total of 30,000 square feet, whichever is less, exclusive of tennis, swimming, racquetball and health facilities.
      (3)   Each accessory commercial establishment except private clubs or restaurants shall be limited to a maximum of 3,500 square feet enclosed floor area.
      (4)   Accessory commercial signs shall be limited to one nameplate of not more than 16 square feet for each establishment. Nameplates shall be attached flat against a building wall and shall not be animated, flashing or have other than indirect illumination. In addition to the above, window signs painted on the surface of, or located on the interior display window are permitted and shall be limited to 20% of the entire window display area. Neon lighting is acceptable only as a window sign.
      (5)   The accessory commercial uses shall be internally oriented, designed primarily for the service, convenience and benefit of the residents of the PUD, and shall be designed and located in such a manner as to be compatible with the residential uses of the PUD and of adjacent properties. No freestanding accessory commercial structure shall be located within 300 feet of the perimeter of the PUD.
      (6)   All unenclosed parking lots within residential PUDs containing more than ten spaces shall contain a minimum of ten-foot landscaped strips along all street frontages with shade trees planted in an amount equivalent to one shade tree for every 35 feet of street frontage, in addition, the remaining perimeter of the parking lot shall be planted with a four-foot landscaped strip and shade trees in the amount equivalent to one shade tree for every 50 feet of the perimeter which does not abut upon a public street. For the purposes of this chapter, landscaped strips may include trees, shrubs, flower beds, planted earthen berms and other vegetation as well as ornamental objects such as decorative fences, walls, statues and fountains.
(Ord. 364, passed 3-13-2017)