(A)   (1)   The maximum number of permitted dwelling units within the PUD shall not exceed a gross density of six dwelling units per acre on land designated as low intensity residential on the town’s comprehensive plan.
      (2)   The maximum number of permitted dwelling units/residential intensity within a PUD on lands designated as medium intensity on the town’s comprehensive plan shall not exceed a gross density of 35 dwelling units per acre.
      (3)   Location of housing types and housing density within the PUD, however, may be reallocated irrespective of the general underlying zoning district boundaries and shall be dependent upon the design of the approved PUD master development plan.
   (B)   (1)   The low intensity residential density shall not exceed a maximum number of dwelling units computed as follows:
Maximum number of D.U.s
Gross area of low intensity residential lands within the PUD x 6 D.U.s per acres
      (2)   For purposes of computations above, each two sleeping rooms within residential structures such as, but not limited to, boarding houses, nursing homes, convalescent homes and elderly housing projects shall constitute a dwelling unit. Additionally, for purposes of the computations above, gross area shall mean all residential zoned land including one-half of the right-of-way of any abutting street.
(Ord. 364, passed 3-13-2017)