(A)   Standards. All trenches excavated across or along any paved street or alley and across any traveled portion of unpaved streets or alleys shall be backfilled and compacted to the same density as the existing soil adjacent to the side of the trench, but shall not be less than 90% standard proctor density; provided the excavated materials consist of soil that can be readily compacted at the optimum moisture. If the excavated material consists of a majority of clay or silt and contains an excess of moisture, such excavated material shall be removed from the site of the work and the trench filled with sand or other materials that will meet the soil classification of A-2 or better. If the backfilling compaction is removed and hauled from the job site, the trenches shall be refilled with material as specified above. All trenches excavated along unpaved streets may be backfilled and compacted by flooding, provided that an excessive water pressure is not used and that the method of flooding to be used meets with the approval of the Town Administrator.
   (B)   Service lines. All service lines on the opposite side of the street from the main must be in place, backfilled and compacted before street surfacing is laid.
(Prior Code, § 7-1B-5)