(A)   State or federal highways. It shall be unlawful from and after the effective date hereof for any driver of an automobile or other vehicle to turn such a vehicle around so as to proceed in the opposite direction at any point on any designated state or federal highway within the limits of this town.
   (B)   Entry onto property for turning. It shall be unlawful from and after the effective date hereof for the driver of any automobile or other vehicle traveling upon any designated state or federal highway within the limits of this town to turn such vehicle around so as to proceed in the opposite direction by driving such automobile or vehicle off such highway onto public or private property or driveways and driving back onto said highway, and proceeding in the opposite direction, provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the drivers of automobiles or vehicles stopping at private property under their ownership or in their possession or stopping at their place of business or employment or stopping to do business at a place of business along said highway.
(Prior Code, § 6-4B-7) Penalty, see § 70.99