Utilization of administrative tags shall not be used in place of criminal or state traffic citations in the following:
   (A)   DUI’s misdemeanor to felony (motor vehicle, ATV, OHM, or snowmobile);
   (B)   Assaults;
   (C)   Disorderly conduct;
   (D)   Minor consumption/possession;
   (E)   Minor possession of tobacco;
   (F)   Sales of alcohol to minors;
   (G)   Harassment or restraining order violations;
   (H)   Trespassing charges;
   (I)   Any criminal or traffic offense mandating an arrest;
   (J)   Any auto accidents or criminal accidents;
   (K)   Any offense involving an injured person; and
   (L)   Any offense where a use of force is involved by the police or public.
(Ord. 230, passed 10-9-2006)