Within the Hebron Village limits all buildings and other uses generating sewage or waste water will connect to the Hebron Sanitary Sewer System.
(a) EPA Permits. All required EPA permits will be presented to the Village Engineer before Installation begins.
(b) Installation. The user will be responsible for installing the service tap. The Waste Water System Superintendent, and/or the Village Engineer will inspect the installed tap. Installation plans, materials, and related appurtenances will be approved before installation begins.
(c) Tap Fee. Before approval of the Construction Plan or beginning an installation, the developer/user will pay all tap fees and capacity charges.
(d) Tap Size. The tap size will be in accordance with the Hebron Sewer Use and Pretreatment Policy (6-inches minimum). The Waste Water System Superintendent or Village Engineer will review tap size and the required materials.
(e) Ground, Storm, and Surface Water. All installations will be so designed and installed to prevent the intrusion of ground, storm, or surface water into the sanitary sewer system.
(f) Floodplain. Within the one-hundred (100) year floodplain, all sanitary sewer systems will have the top of casing one-and-one-half (1 ½) feet above the one- hundred (100) year flood elevation.
(Ord. 19-20. Passed 11-4-20.)