These regulations will ensure the design and construction of convenient, safe, and efficient roadways. The arrangement and character of all streets will conform to the following;
(a) Access Points - Corner Blend Radius. The corner blend radii, at intersection points of newly constructed streets, renovated streets, or of private access roads intersecting with Village streets, will allow the types of vehicles that are expected to use the intersection, at present or in the future, to make a right turn without projecting into an oncoming lane or center turn lane.
(b) Access Points - Driveways. Driveway aprons six (6) inches thick will be provided from the sidewalk to the curb at all driveway locations. The maximum grade on driveways will not exceed fourteen (14) percent. The Sidewalk will be six (6) inches thick at crossing areas. Where applicable, the Village Street Superintendent will approve the culvert size and material.
(c) Access Points - Intersections. Proposed streets will intersect each other as nearly at right angles as topography and other limiting factors of a good design permit, and in conformance with the sight distance requirements of the Hebron Zoning Ordinance. Where dictated by the traffic flow generated by a development or the anticipated future traffic flow, the addition of turn lanes to affected or newly created intersections may be required.
(d) Access Points - Number of. A development may be required to have at least two (2) accesses or future reserves to create at least a second access.
(e) Access Points - Private, Right Turn Only, Width. Where appropriate to maintain traffic flow and where it is in the best interest of the health, safety, and welfare of the public the Board may require the accessing traffic from a private road, lane or parking lot to a Village street be allowed a right turn only. Such design provisions may be by a center divider in the Village street or such curbing at the access point to permit right turns only. Except for allowances for curb blend radii at the access point to a Village street, private commercial access drives will not exceed twenty- eight (28) feet curb face to curb face or non-curbed pavement width. The maximum residential width will be twenty-five (25) feet.
(f) Access Points - Spacing. The location of access points will be located so as to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the access user and of the general public. Spacing of access points on major, industrial, or collector streets will be so as not to hinder the present or future flow of traffic at reasonable speeds. The Licking County Thoroughfare Plan will be used as a guideline to approve the proposed location of new access points onto Village streets.
(g) Bicycle Lanes / Paths. Due to the increased use of bicycles as recreation, the inclusion of bicycle lanes in certain Village streets, may be recommended by the Board or the Village Engineer. Separate bicycle paths may also be recommended.
(h) Block Length. Minimum block length will be three hundred-ten (310) feet. In excess to be approved by the Village Engineer.
(i) Conformance. Developments being reviewed will be in conformance with these regulations and other regulations and/or plans adopted by other government agencies.
(j) Dead End Streets. A temporary turnaround area, significantly large enough for use by all types of vehicles normally expected to use the street, will be provided at the end of a stubbed street. The surface will be approved by the Village Engineer and Community Development Coordinator. The developer will provide a guardrail and appropriate reflector at the end of a stub street. If, because of an approved change of an approved development the planned extension of a Village street is eliminated or the street will terminate at a private property line, an appropriate cul-de-sac will be added to the street stub.
(k) Design - Integration. All streets will be properly integrated with the existing and proposed system of thoroughfares and dedicated rights-of-way as established on the local and/or county comprehensive plans and the thoroughfare plans. Streets carrying commercial traffic, especially truck traffic, should not normally be extended to the boundaries of existing or potential adjacent residential areas, or connected to streets intended for predominantly residential traffic.
(l) Existing Streets - Connect to. As required by the Board, or recommended by the Village Engineer, the proposed street system of the tract to be subdivided will be extended to connect to any existing access reserve, street stub, or street extension on adjacent parcels or subdivisions at the point where the improved, dedicated roadway is found. (Ref. N Extension)
(m) Existing Streets - Improvement. Do to the quality and uniqueness of certain existing village streets their improvement may be required if they are to be used as an access to a new subdivision or development. This may include, but not limited to widening, the addition of turn lanes, or the addition of traffic signals to existing Village streets that will encounter increase traffic flow due to the new development.
(n) Extension. As required by the Board, or recommended by the Village Engineer, the proposed streets of the tract to be subdivided will be extended as either a street extension or a street stub, and in such a manner as to allow future extension and access to any adjacent developable property unless, in the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Board or Village Engineer, such extension is not desirable for the coordination of the layout of the subdivision or most advantageous to future development of adjacent tracts. Where possible, these extended rights-of-way will line up with the adjoining developable properties in such a way as to allow appropriate and feasible future development, i.e., it should not run into a large rock outcrop, and in most cases, not end at the corner but rather the middle of the adjoining lot so the future street can be double-loaded. (Ref (j) Dead End Streets)
(o) Lane Width. All lane widths will be twelve (12) feet.
(q) Names. The Hebron Village Council will approve all street names.
(r) Parking. The street widths noted in the "street specification table" do not include allowance for parking in commercial and multi-family areas. All developments will provide paved off street parking for commercial, multi-family, recreational, and multi-user areas. (Ref. NFPA 1141-7-3-1.6)
(s) Sidewalks - Extension of Existing. The Planning and Zoning Board may require extension of the existing sidewalk system so as to connect with a proposed new sidewalk system. (Ref. 1179.13 Sidewalks)
(t) Signage. The developer will be required to provide such signage or signaling as required by the Village or by ODOT standards.
(u) Sizing of New Streets. Proposed streets will be constructed to a size and specification that will handle projected future extensions or traffic flows. Calculations for the developable adjacent tracts should be made with densities equal to the proposed site unless otherwise instructed by the Board.
(v) Standards - Construction. May be purchased at the Hebron Village Hall.
(w) Standards - ODOT. All proposed new construction of, or alteration of existing highways, streets, thoroughfares, or bridges that are or may be State Routes will conform to ODOT design standards unless a more stringent Hebron design standard is called for in the Hebron Construction Standards or by recommendation of the Village Engineer. Notification will be made to ODOT of all proposed construction on the right-of-way of a state route.
(x) Topography - Floodplain. All streets will be platted with appropriate regard for topography, streams, wooded areas, soils and geologic constraints, and other natural features in order to create desirable building sites and to preserve and enhance natural attractiveness. Road site design should also permit an efficient drainage and utility systems layout while providing safe and convenient access to property.
Approval will not be given for streets within a subdivision which would be subject to flooding. All street surfaces must be located one-and-one-half (1 ½ ) or more feet above the one-hundred (100) year flood elevation.
(y) Traffic Studies. The Board or Village Engineer may require traffic studies before approving new streets or access points. Unless specified, all traffic studies will be to ODOT standards.
(aa) Utilities. Where possible all electric, phone, CATV, and other wire born utilities will be underground. If necessary to install wire born utilities above ground, they will be located along rear setback lines.
(Ord. 19-20. Passed 11-4-20.)