Costs incurred by the Village for the implementation and operation of the pretreatment program established herein shall be recovered from the nonresidential users of the Village's POTW. The applicable charges or fees shall be set forth based on the Village's schedule of charges and fees.
   (a)   Pretreatment Charges.
      (1)   The Village will adopt charges and a fee schedule to cover the costs of the pretreatment program. The charges and fee schedule will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis. The costs and fee schedule will cover pretreatment program administrative costs, inspection costs, and testing costs, such as the following:
         A.   Fees for reimbursement of costs of setting up and operating the pretreatment program;
         B.   Fees for monitoring, inspecting and surveillance procedures;
         C.   Fees for reviewing accidental discharge procedures and construction;
         D.   Fees for permit applications;
         E.   Fees for filing appeals;
         F.   Fees for the Village's consistent removal of pollutants otherwise subject to categorical pretreatment standards;
      (2)   Surcharges to non-residential users based on volume, excess strength and other parameters deemed appropriate by the Coordinator and established as part of the user's wastewater discharge permit or the Village's schedule of fees; or
      (3)   Other fees the Village deems necessary to implement the requirements contained herein.
      (4)   These fees relate solely to the matters covered by this chapter and are separate from all other water and sewer fees chargeable by the Village. The Village reserves the right to charge these fees on a separate line item    on the monthly utility bill as an average monthly charge, depending upon the type of permit, number of sampling authority tests, and the risk the Village perceives the Industrial User poses to the POTW. The Village's schedule of pre-treatment charges and fees are as listed below.
   (b)   Fee Schedule.
      (1)   An initial application fee of $1,000.00 and an additional renewal fee ranging from $60.00 to $100.00 for renewing the application at a minimum of every 5 years.
      (2)   Program operation and inspection - $400 billed per inspection/meeting.
      (3)   Laboratory tests deemed necessary by the Coordinator and performed by the Village for compliance or suspect of non-compliance.
      (4)   Cost of maintenance to repair infrastructure damaged by a user or a group of users. Cost plus 10 percent.
      (5)   Excess strength (may be in addition to Item (b)(2)
         A.   CBOD5    $1.25 per lb in excess of 300 mg/l
         B.   TSS       $1.25 per lb in excess of 300 mg/l
         C.   TKN       $1.25 per lb in excess of 35 mg/l
         D.   Oil & Grease   $1.25 per lb in excess of 50 mg/l
      (6)   Laboratory costs for performance and analysis of self-monitoring shall be at the user's expense.
(Ord. 05-16. Passed 4-27-16.)