The Overlay Standards applicable to Zone 2 are as follows:
Applicability, Exemptions and Departures
Clear Vision Requirements
I.   Project Frontage
II.   Vehicles and Parking
III.   Pedestrian Circulation
IV.   Setbacks and Privacy
V.   Open Space
VI.   Lighting
VII.   Dumpsters, Utilities and Service Areas
VIII.   Architectural Design
IX.   Architectural Details
X.   Materials
1)    Meet the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Goal to revise development regulations to encourage multifamily development that is more flexible and innovative in terms of building design, street standards for private roads and site design.
2)    Contribute to attractiveness and usefulness of the public realm.
3)    Increase the overall durability, construction quality and attractiveness of multifamily development, as viewed by the public.
4)    Increase City of Heath standing in the region as a desirable place to live.
5)    Increase pedestrian interest and activity, by facilitating pedestrian access to gathering places, services and other amenities.
1)    Compliance with Subdivision Procedure: All proposed developments with the Multi-Family Overlay Zone shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with applicable City of Heath Zoning, Development, and/or Subdivision Regulations.
2)    Multi-Family Design Guidelines: In developing a multi-family project within the Multi-Family Overlay Zone, the following design guidelines and criteria will govern review and approval of a specific project.
3)    Application of Base R-3 Zoning Regulations: All zoning regulations applicable to R-3 zoning districts apply to the Multi-Family Overlay Zone. If there is a conflict between the Multi-Family Overlay Standards and those set forth in the zoning regulations applicable to an R-3 zoning district, the more restrictive standards shall control.
1)    Clear Vision Area(s): A clear vision area shall be maintained on the corners of all property at the intersection of two (2) streets or a street and an alley.
2)    A clear vision area shall consist of a triangular area, two (2) sides of which are lot lines measured from the corner intersection of the street lot lines for a distance specified in this subsection A, or where the lot lines have rounded corners, the lot lines extended in a straight line to a point of intersection and so measured and the third side of which is a line across the corner of the lot joining the nonintersecting ends of the other two (2) sides.
   a.    The minimum distance shall be thirty feet (30').
b.    A clear vision area shall contain no planting, fence, wall, structure or temporary or permanent obstruction exceeding two and one-half feet (2½') in height, measured from the top of the curb or, where no curb exists, from the established street centerline grade; except, that trees exceeding this height may be located in this area, provided all branches and foliage are removed to a height of eight feet (8') above the grade.
   Provide for an attractive and active relationship between the building and the street.
   Provide privacy and security to residents facing the street.
   Encourage social interaction between residents and pedestrians.
   Provide a comfortable and welcoming entry, visible from the sidewalk, and an attractive streetscape.
   Provide an inviting ground floor facade.
1.    Provide individual unit entries at ground level (accessible from outside). Ground level unit entries can open onto the street or a courtyard or open space that opens to the street. The Planning Commission may allow other entry configurations (such as consolidated entries), provided the design meets the intent of this section.
   a.    To provide resident privacy and a transition between the public and private realm, set the building back at least thirty (30) feet from the public right-of-way or raise the ground floor living space at least three feet above the sidewalk or pathway grade (preferably both, as in the Figure below).
   b .    Entries must be accessible from the street or Interior open space. Configurations where enclosed rear yards back up to a street are prohibited.
   c.    Individual pedestrian entries must be emphasized by using all of the following:
      i.    Provide a porch, at least twenty-four (24) square feet, or other architectural weather protection that provides cover for a person entering the unit and a transitional space between outside and inside the dwelling.
      ii.    Provide a planted area in front of each pedestrian entry of at least twenty (20) square feet in area, with no dimension less than three (3) feet. Provide a combination of shrubs, groundcover or trees.
      iii.    Set the garage door (if applicable) at least five (5) feet farther from the street than the primary street-facing facade.
   d.    For projects with individual garages, vehicle access to ground floor units shall be from an alley if one exists. For any configuration where primary pedestrian access is off the same facade as vehicular access, developments shall incorporate single-width parking configurations for at least fifty percent (50%) of the units (to minimize the impact of garage doors on the pedestrian environment). A pedestrian entry shall be provided that is separate from the garage door.
2.    Surface parking shall not be located between the building and the street. (If multiple buildings, this only applies to the building(s) abutting the street.)
3.    Structured parking shall not constitute the entire frontage of any street-adjacent building. Structured parking must be screened per Vehicles and Parking
   i.   For corner properties with structured parking, provide a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from the corner along the primary street frontage in an active use. For non-corner properties, provide a minimum of fifteen (15) feet anywhere along the street frontage in an active use.
      •   Active uses can include lobbies, entrances, gyms or fitness centers, meeting rooms and other similar spaces. Active use spaces may not contain mail rooms, storage, or any unsightly use (as determined by the Planning Commission).
      •   Active uses must be visible through transparent window areas over the entire fifteen (15) feet of the ground floor facade between two (2) feet and eight (8) feet above grade. The windows must look into the building's interior.
4.    If property is within one-fourth (1/4) mile of a bus stop or public park, provide convenient pathways or entries to facilitate access to these amenities for residents,
5.   Integrate weather protection, gutters and downspouts into the design of the structure as a whole.
6,    Limit the length of at-grade building facade and walls without openings (windows or doors) to fifteen (15) feet.
7.    Fencing or walls above four (4) feet high are not allowed in the front yard or between the principal facade/entry and the sidewalk or public street. The Planning Commission may allow walls above four (4) feet in height to accommodate sleep topography. Chain link fences are not allowed in the front yard or between the primary building and a public right-of-way (excluding alleys).
8,    For projects approved by the Planning Commission for consolidated entries, enhance the building's presence and optimize interaction with the public sidewalk and rights-of-way through use of at least two (2) of the following:
   i,    Pergolas or arbors
   ii.    See-though gates or fences ( excluding chain link)
   iii.    Outdoor terraces or gardens that are designed to promote use (i.e., with benches or other pedestrian furniture or features)
   iv.    High quality entry path materials such as special paving, tile, etc.
   v.    Balconies facing street
Figure 2. Good and bad examples of garage/entry configurations. The left example features a landscaped area and stoop to enhance the entry. The townhouses in the middle photo tuck the garages under the living units to reduce their visibility (note that this is a private roadway). In the right image, the lack of landscaping is a glaring omission, and is not acceptable.
   Diminish and soften the visual impact of pavement and parked cars from the street and adjacent properties.
   Increase pedestrian safety and vehicular circulation in parking areas.
All projects with surface parking must adhere to the following in the design of parking lots and on-site vehicular circulation:
1.    Surface parking shall be located to the rear of street-adjacent buildings. Alternatively, surface parking may be provided to the side of street-adjacent buildings, but not on a corner. A maximum of sixty (60) linear feet of surface parking is permitted adjacent to the street.
2.    Provide designated pedestrian pathways from public sidewalks and through surface parking areas to site destinations such as building entries and rear parking areas. Generally, walkways must be provided at least every four rows of parking or at least every 130 feet, whichever is less. Align the pathways to connect with major building entries or other sidewalks, pathways and destinations.
3.    Minimize the width and extent of driveways in the front yards and visible from the street. The Planning Commission may determine the location and size of the driveway entrance (curb cut) to maximize safety and minimize impacts to pedestrian and bicycle movement.
4.    Vehicular ingress and egress shall be from an alley, where one exists. The second choice of access (if no alleys exist) shall be from the street with less traffic, as determined by the Planning Commission. The third most desirnble access choice is collector streets, and arterial streets are the fourth and least desirable choice for vehicular ingress and egress.
5.    Where there are significant changes in elevation, utilize topography to reduce the visibility of parking from public areas and adjacent properties.
All projects must adhere to the following in the design of structured parking:
1.    Structured parking may not constitute the entire frontage of any street-adjacent building. See Project Frontage for frontage requirements related to structured parking.
2.    Locate structured parking to minimize visual impact to residences and public streets. Ensure parking structures visible from public streets are architecturally compatible with the main structure, and provide building and finish elements that create visual interest to the streetscape.
3.    Where structured parking is adjacent to the sidewalk or within ten (10) feet of the sidewalk edge, the facade shall incorporate a combination of artwork, grillwork, special building material or other treatment/design that enhances the pedestrian environment. Small setbacks with terraced landscaping elements can be particularly effective in softening the appearance of structured parking.
4.    Parking facilities shall be well-lit for safety with non-glare lighting to reduce impacts to adjacent uses. See Lighting for lighting level standards.
5.    For single-family homes and duplexes, at least two (2) parking spaces are required per dwelling unit. For multiple-family dwellings (three (3) or more units), parking shall be provided as follows:
6.    At least one (1) parking space is required for each bedroom.
7.    At least one (1) bicycle parking space is required for every two (2) units.
8.    With multiple-family dwellings, attached garages shall not face or open towards a street. Attached garages associated with one and two-family dwellings may face the street, but must be set back at least six (6) feet behind the front facade.
9.    Enclosed garage parking spaces shall count towards no more than thirty percent (30%) of the total nwnber of required off-street parking spaces for multiple-family dwellings (three (3) or more units).
   Provide convenient, safe and attractive pedestrian routes.
   Increase social interaction.
1.    Pedestrian walks shall be separated from residential structures by at least three (3) feet for landscaping. The Planning Commission may consider other treatments to provide attractive pathways.
2.    Where not visible to the public (i.e., on the interior of the site), all paths shall be a minimum of five (5) feet in width.
3.    Public pathways must be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
   Provide privacy for residents, especially those immediately adjacent to the proposed development.
   Protect light and air access for residents of proposed development as well as residents in adjacent existing structures.
Design project to reduce intrusion and impacts to adjacent and nearby properties through meeting all of the following:
1.    Offset window placement to avoid direct sightlines between living spaces.
2.    Orient courtyards and balconies to maximize privacy.
3.    Landscape all setbacks with a combination of landscape, hardscape or other amenities.
4.    Shape upper levels to increase solar access, light, and air to adjacent lower structures, on- and off-site open spaces, and adjoining residential land uses.
Abutting an existing single-family zone: Provide an appropriate transition or complement to adjacent single-family zones. Projects shall create a step in perceived height, bulk or scale between the anticipated development potential of the adjacent single-family zone and the the proposed development. This can be done through any of the following:
1.    Increasing the distance from the building to the edge of the single-family zone.
   a.    Set building back from interior or rear lot lines abutting single-family zones a minimum of two (2) feet for every ten (10) feet in height.
2.    Providing shading or increased landscape buffer at the edge of a single-family zone.
3.    Stepping back upper floors so building height/mass is less intense near single-family zone.
4.    Matching the scale of adjacent single-family zone developments in building detailing.
   Add to the livability of new residences.
   Provide visual interest and relief.
   Provide opportunities for outdoor activities.
   Provide light and air in a new residential development.
   Provide opportunities for social interaction.
All projects must provide 150 square feet of on-site open space per dwelling unit. Acceptable types of open space include:
1.    Common outdoor open space
   •   Where accessible to all residents, common outdoor open space may count for up to one hundred percent (100%) of the required open space. Common outdoor open space includes landscaped courtyards, shared decks, gardens with pathways, children's play areas, pools, water features, accessible (unfenced) areas used for stormwater retention or other multipurpose recreational or green spaces to which all residents have access, Special requirements for common open spaces include the following:
   •   Required setback areas shall not count toward the open space requirement unless they are part of an open space that meets the other requirements of common open space.
   •   Space shall have a minimum dimension of fifteen (15) feet in any direction to provide functional leisure or recreational activity. This dimension can be waived based on site conditions such as topography or irregular lot geometry.
   •   Space shall feature paths or walkable areas, landscaping, seating, lighting, play structures, sports courts or other pedestrian amenities to make the area more functional and enjoyable for a range of users, taking into consideration potential noise issues related to hard court sports such as basketball, tennis and handball.
   •   Common space shall be separated from ground level windows, streets, service areas and parking lots with landscaping, low-level decorative fencing (no chain link), or other treatments as approved by the Planning Commission that enhance safety and privacy for both the common open space and dwelling units.
   •   The space shall be oriented to receive sunlight and preferably face south, if possible. Open space may also face east or west, but not north, unless the Planning Commission determines that site conditions such as topography or irregular lot geometry warrant waiving this requirement.
   •   The space must be accessible from the dwelling units. Ideally, it should be centrally located, if practical. The space must be oriented to encourage activity from local residents.
2.    Balconies
Individual balconies or patios (not including covered porches or stoops) may be used for up to twenty-five percent (25%) of the required open space. To qualify as open space, balconies or patios must be at least forty (40) square feet, with no dimension less than five (5) feet
3.   Rooftop decks and terraces
Rooftop decks and terraces may be used to meet up to fifty percent (50%) of the required open space, provided the following conditions are met:
   •   Space must be accessible to all dwelling units and ADA compliant.
   •   Space must provide amenities such as seating areas, barbeques, fireplaces, recreational spaces, landscaping, etc.
   •   Space must feature surfacing which enables residents to use the open space.
   •   Space must incorporate features that provide for the safety of residents, such as appropriate lighting levels. See Safety and Security
4.    On-site indoor recreation areas
Indoor recreation areas may be used to meet up to twenty-five percent (25%) of the required open space provided the following conditions are met:
   •   Space must be ADA accessible to all dwelling units.
   •   Space is designed for and includes equipment for recreational uses, preferably for a range of users.
5.    Sensitive or critical areas
Sensitive areas shall only count toward open space requirements if integrated into the site design to be visible and usable by residents with features such as trails and benches. Sensitive or critical areas meeting these requirements may count for up to fifty percent (50%) of the required open space, but only the space utilized by the built amenities or trails, including a five-foot radius around the amenities, shall be counted.
   Provide for personal safety and security.
   Reduce the adverse impacts of lighting and retain dark skies.
All publicly accessible areas and areas commonly used by residents shall be lighted with levels as follows:
1.    Areas of low pedestrian activity such as service areas and vehicular traffic areas: minimum 0.2 foot-candles (fc), maximum four (4) fc.
2.    Moderate or high volume pedestrian areas and building entries: minimum one fc, maximum five fc, preferred average two (2) fc.
3.    Public parking lots: minimum one fc, maximum four (4) fc.
Additionally, all projects must meet the following:
1.    Lighting shall be provided at consistent levels, with an average lighting level to minimum lighting level uniformity ratio no less than 3:1, to create gradual transitions between varying levels of lighting and between lit areas and unlit areas. Highly contrasting pools of light and dark areas shall be avoided.
2.    Pedestrian lighting shall have a maximum height of fifteen (15) feet.
3.    Parking area lighting fixtures shall be fully shielded, dark sky rated and mounted no more than twenty (20) feet above the ground, with lower fixtures preferable so as to maintain a human scale.
4.    Steady, non-flashing lighting of building features, artwork and special landscape elements may be allowed, subject to the findings of the Planning Commission that the light causes no significant adverse impact.
5.    Provide lighting that complements the building and site design and provides for safe pedestrian circulation and gathering places while minimizing light spillage off-site.
   Minimize the visual, auditory and olfactory impacts of waste handling, storage areas, utilities and other similar facilities.
   Allow for the efficient movement of utility functions and servicing of buildings.
The visual, auditory, and olfactory impacts of waste handling, storage areas, utilities and similar activities and facilities shall be minimized. Reduce impacts of refuse containers and storage areas through all of the following measures:
1.    Service areas (loading docks, trash dumpsters, compactors, recycling areas, electrical panels and mechanical equipment areas) shall be located to avoid negative visual, auditory (noise), olfactory or physical impacts on the street environment and adjacent residentially zoned properties. The Planning Commission may require evidence that such elements will not significantly impact neighboring properties or public areas. (For example, the Planning Commission may require noise damping specifications for fans near residential zones.) Service areas shall be sited for alley access if available.
2.    Service areas must not be visible from the sidewalk and adjacent properties. Where the Planning Commission finds that the only option for locating a service area is either visible from a public right-of-way or space or from an adjacent property, the area must be screened with either landscape or structural screening measures provided under "Screening" (below, this section).
3.    Ground-mounted mechanical equipment must be located and screened to minimize visual and noise impacts to pedestrians on streets and adjoining properties.
4.    Roof-mounted mechanical equipment must be located and screened so the equipment is not visible from the ground level of adjacent streets or properties within twenty (20) feet of the structure. Match the color of roof mounted equipment with the exposed color of the roof to minimize visual impacts when equipment is visible from higher elevations nearby.
5.    Locate and screen utility meters, electrical conduit and other service and utilities apparatus so they are not visible from adjoining properties and nearby streets.
6.    Other provisions of this section notwithstanding, service areas used by residents shall be located to avoid entrapment areas and other conditions where personal security would be compromised. The Planning Commission may require pedestrian-scaled lighting or other measures to enhance security.
7.    Locate or shield noise producing mechanical equipment such as fans or heat pumps to meet state law provisions
8.    All service connections and on-site utilities including wires and pipes must be located underground. Meters may be attached to buildings. Project proponents are required to coordinate with the local electric utility provider to locate electrical service facilities in the least obtrusive way.
Where screening of service areas is called for (where impacts cannot be adequately addressed through location or other means described above), adhere to the following:
1.    A structural enclosure shall be constructed of masonry, heavy-gauge metal or decay-resistant composite wood, and have a roof. The walls must be sufficient to provide full screening from the affected roadway or use. The enclosure may use overlapping walls to screen dumpsters and other materials. Gates shall be made of heavy-gauge, sight-obscuring material, and the enclosure shall be designed to be architecturally consistent and compatible with the architectural concept for the site or building it serves.
2.    Collection points shall be located and configured so that the enclosure gate swing does not obstruct pedestrian or vehicle traffic, or does not require that a hauling truck project into any public right-of-way.
3.    The service area shall be paved.
4.    Weather protection of recyclables, trash and compost/yard waste shall be ensured by using weather-proof containers or by providing a roof over the storage area.
5.    In addition to the required screening, artwork such as paint schemes or coverings that help to blend the equipment into the background may also be utilized.
   Provide a welcoming entry to residential buildings.
   Provide a visually interesting roofline.
   Achieve architectural scale that is compatible with the size and visual massing of development envisioned within the zoning classification.
   Add visual interest and sense of quality and craftsmanship to building facades.
   Enhance the pedestrian experience.
Architectural scale. Perceived height and bulk of a building relative to that of neighboring buildings or anticipated future neighboring developments. A building has "good architectural scale" if its visual size is relatively similar to development that is planned for in the zoning classification.
Modulation. Stepping back or projecting forward of portions of a building face, within specified intervals of building width and depth, as a means of breaking up the apparent bulk of a structure's continuous exterior walls.
Articulation. Visually enhancing a building fac;ade by including features such as broken rooflines, chimneys, entrances, distinctive window patterns,
Principal building entrances of all buildings shall feature all of the following:
1.    A minimum of fifty (50) square feet of pedestrian weather protection. Entries may satisfy this requirement by being set back into the building facade.
2.    Lighting, to conform to Lighting
3,    Building or business name and address number.
4.    Transparency such as glass doors, windows or glazing (window area) near the door so that the visitor and occupant can view people opening the door from the other side (not required for individual unit entries leading directly to a single dwelling).
5.    Security, to the extent feasible. Entries must be visible from areas with high pedestrian activity.
6.    Architectural or artwork enhancements, including one or more of the following:
   a.    Ornamental doors or windows,
   b.    Ornamental paving or materials (e.g., decorative tile work),
   c.    Distinctive architectural lighting,
   d.    Artwork,
   e.    Landscaping, or
   f.    Adjacent usable open space.
All projects must provide a roofline design that fits with the character of the building and provides some level of visual interest. The upper level or top of the building should have a considered (intentional) treatment. This may be done in any of the following ways:
1.    Design a shaped, sloped, pitched or varied roof form - visible to passersby from public areas including highways or other distant views.
2.    Provide cornice expressions, eyebrows, overhangs, horizontal projections.
3.    Increase variety of building massing at upper levels to establish contrast with overall bulk and mass of lower levels.
4.    Incorporate extensions (chimneys, turrets, towers, skylights, clerestories - if logical continuation of architecture).
5.    Utilize other height variations to complement adjacent structures.
Avoid superfluous or tack-on roof features such as mansard roof extensions, roof signs or roof ribs.
All new buildings over three stories, over 5,000 square feet in gross building footprint or with facades longer than 100 feet measured horizontally along a public right-of-way or visible from a public right-of-way shall provide at least three (3) major modulation or articulation features as described below along any facade that is visible from a public right-of-way, residential zone or pedestrian pathway. The "articulation interval" at which the repetitive element repeats should not be greater than fifty (50) feet.
1.    Horizontal building modulation. Horizontal modulation is the stepping back or extending forward of building stories or horizontal building elements. To satisfy this requirement through horizontal modulation, the depth (extension out or set back from the building facade) of the modulation must be at least two (2) feet when tied to a change in the roofline and at least five (5) feet in other situations. Balconies may be used to qualify for this option, provided they have a floor area of at least forty (40) square feet, are integrated with the architecture of the building, and project at least two (2) feet from the building facade. Step backs of upper stories are a common form of horizontal modulation.
2.    Vertical building modulation. Vertical modulation is the extension or stepping back of vertical elements of a building. In order to satisfy this guideline through vertical modulation, the minimum depth of modulation is eighteen (18) inches and minimum width for each modulation is fifteen (15) feet. Balconies may not be used to meet this modulation option unless they are recessed or projected from the facade and integrated with the building's architecture as determined by the Planning Commission.
3.    Modulated roofline. Buildings may qualify for this option by modulating the roof line of all facades visible from a street, park or pedestrian pathway consistent with the following standards:
   a.    For flat roofs or facades with a horizontal fascia (the board at the end of a roof eave or cornice) or parapet, change the roofline so that there is a change of the roofline at least every sixty (60) feet. Minimum vertical dimension of roof line modulation is two (2) feet.
   b.    For gable, hipped or shed roofs, a slope of at least three (3) feet vertical to twelve (12) feet horizontal is required to meet the guideline.
   c.    Other roof forms such as arched, vaulted, dormer or saw-toothed may satisfy this design standard if the individual segments of the roof with no change in slope or discontinuity are less than sixty (60) feet in width (measured horizontally).
4.   Repeating distinctive window patterns at intervals less than the articulation interval.
5.    Providing a porch, patio, deck or covered entry for each articulation interval.
6.   Changing the roofline by alternating dormers, stepped roofs, gables, or changing roof textures on certain features such as metal roofs on towers and dormers to reinforce the modulation or articulation interval.
7.    Changing materials with a change in building plane.
8.    Providing lighting fixtures, trellises, trees or other landscape feature within each interval.
9.    Creating open-to-the-sky courtyards and terraces that break the building facade.
10.   Incorporating projections such as:
   a.    Window bays
   b.    Porch additions
   c.    Stair enclosures
   d.    Chimneys
   e.   Balconies
   f.    Recesses at windows, entries, doors or other openings
   g.    Minor projecting masses
11.    Using materials and colors to emphasize major or minor architectural scales, to introduce sense of detail and create distinctions between structures.
The Planning Commission may increase or decrease the sixty (60)-foot interval for modulation and articulation to better match surrounding structures or to implement an adopted subarea plan.
   Add visual interest to building appearance.
   Enhance the pedestrian experience.
   Contribute to the public's perception of the City of Heath as a desirable place to live through showing care and craftsmanship in design.
All new buildings shall include on the facades that face a public right-of-way at least three of the following design features:
1.    Distinctive roofline treatments, such as an ornamental molding, or other roofline device visible from the ground level.
2,    Special treatment of windows and doors, other than standard metal molding/framing details, around all ground floor windows and doors, decorative glazing or door designs.
3.    Decorative building materials, such as decorative masonry, shingle, brick or stone.
4.    Individualized patterns or continuous wood details, such as fancy butt shingles (a shingle with the butt end machined in some pattern, typically to form geometric designs), decorative moldings, brackets, trim or lattice work, ceramic tile, storie or similar materials. The applicant must submit architectural drawings and material samples for approval.
5.    Use of green walls, planter boxes, landscaped trellises, wall trellises, decorative or special railings, grill work, landscape guards or specially designed canopies, as an integral part of the building's design.
6.    Decorative artwork, which may be freestanding or attached to the building and may be in the form of mosaic mural, bas-relief sculpture, light sculpture, water sculpture, fountain, free standing sculpture, art in pavement or other similar artwork. Painted murals or graphics on signs or awnings do not qualify.
7.    Special building elements, such as pilasters, entablatures, wainscots, canopies or marquees that exhibit nonstandard designs.
The facades of residential buildings shall employ techniques to recess or project individual windows above the ground floor at least two (2) inches from the facade or incorporate window trim at least four (4) inches in width that features color that contrasts with the base building color.
   Help ensure the quality and maintainability of new development.
   Help ensure attractiveness of new buildings.
1.    The following are allowed only with special detailing, as described below:
   a.    Metal siding. When used as a siding material over more than twenty-five percent (25%) of a building's facade visible from a public area, metal siding must:
      i.    Have a matte finish in neutral or earth tone such as buff, gray, beige, tan, cream, white, or a dulled color, such as barn-red, blue-gray, burgundy, ochre.
      ii.    Include two (2) or more of the following elements:
         1.    Visible window and door trim painted or finished in a complementary color.
         2.    Color and edge trim that cover exposed edges of the sheet metal panels.
         3.   A base of masonry, stone or other approved permanent material extending up to at least two (2) feet above grade that is durable. (The intent is to provide more durable materials near grade level.)
   b.    Concrete block walls. Concrete block construction used over twenty-five percent (25%) of a building facade visible from a public area must be architecturally treated in one or more of the following ways:
      i.    Use of textured blocks with surfaces such as split face or grooved.
      ii.    Use of other masonry types, such as brick, glass block or tile in conjunction with concrete blocks.
      iii.    Use of decorative coursing to break up blank wall areas.
      iv.    Use of matching colored mortar where color is an element of architectural treatment for any of the options above.
   c.    Requirements for stucco, stucco-like and similar troweled finishes:
      i.    To avoid deterioration, the finish material must be trimmed or sheltered from extreme weather by roof overhangs or other methods.
      ii.    The finish material may only be used in conjunction with other approved building materials.
2.    Any material that is subject to damage and deterioration from human contact or landscape elements is prohibited within two (2) vertical feet of the sidewalk or ground level or in areas that are especially subject to vandalism such as areas with low visibility. In these areas, a more durable finish material such as brick, concrete or concrete block shall be used.
3.    Use of flat sheet materials such as fiber cement panels (e.g., Hardie Panel) is not allowed on ground floor facades. This is because the panels do not provide human scale surfaces ortextures or refined details. Textured panels on ground floors may be approved by the Planning Commission if they are detailed not to appear as a panelized system.
4.    Prohibited materials for exterior of buildings (excluding special art features):
      a.    Mirrored glass.
      b.    Vinyl siding.
      c.    Corrugated fiberglass.
      d.    Chain link fencing within fifty (50) feet of a building's public entrance (except for temporary purposes such as a construction site).
      e.    Crushed colored rock or tumbled glass.
      f.    Any sheet materials, such as wood or metal siding, with exposed edges or unfinished edges.
      g.    Any spray-on materials (e.g.: shot-crete) not specifically approved by the Planning Commission.
      h.    Non-durable materials subject to deterioration if exposed to weather such as most plastic and synthetic materials or materials that are particularly vulnerable to vandalism. Project applicants wishing to use synthetic materials must submit samples and product description Information to the Planning Commission for approval. The Planning Commission will not accept such materials unless its durability and appropriateness is demonstrated. (Ord. 18-2023. Passed 4-17-23.)