(a) Guidelines. The following architectural guidelines shall apply within the General Business Zoning District including business and retail usages in other zoning districts and shall serve as a guide to the design process, and shall be used by the Planning Commission in approving site plans within this district.
(b) Building Entrances. Entryway design elements and variations shall provide orientation, aesthetically pleasing character, and pedestrian scale to the building. These elements shall be architecturally integrated with the building and create the appearance of multiple entrances and storefronts. Each principal building shall have clearly defined, highly visible customer entrance(s) featuring an appropriate combination of two or more of the following:
(1) Overhangs
(2) Recesses/projections
(3) Verandas
(4) Arches
(5) Landscaped areas for pedestrian seating
(6) Architectural details such as tile work and moldings which are integrated into the building structure and design.
(7) Outdoor patios/public plazas with seating
(8) Peaked roof forms
(9) Canopies (not backlit) or porticos
(c) Aesthetic Character. Facades shall be articulated to reduce the massive scale and the uniform, disengaging appearances of retail buildings, and to provide visual interest that will be consistent with the community's identity, character, and scale. Composite shapes shall be utilized in the site layout of large structures. The intent is to require developments to incorporate high quality materials and a pedestrian friendly scale so as to contribute to and identify a sense of community as articulated in the Master Plan. The following standards shall be applied to accomplish these goals.
(1) No uninterrupted length of any facade shall exceed seventy-five (75) horizontal feet, and wall plan projections or offsets shall have a depth of at least ten (10) feet and shall extend at least thirty (30) feet of the length of the facade.
(2) No segment of wall shall exceed ten (10) vertical feet without interruption by an architectural feature such as a change in color, texture, material, design, etc.; and
(3) Ground floor facades that face public streets or parking areas shall have display windows, awnings, verandas, entry areas, or other such features along no less than sixty percent (60%) of their horizontal length.
(d) Building Features. Buildings shall have architectural features, finishes, and patterns that provide visual interest, contribute to a pedestrian scale, reduce massive effects, and recognize local, as well as community-wide character. The elements in the following standard shall be integral parts of the building fabric, and not superficially applied trim, graphics, or paint.
(1) Building facades shall incorporate a repeating pattern that includes the elements listed below. At least one of these elements shall repeat horizontally. The elements are as follows:
A. Color
B. Texture
C. Material
D. Reveals
E. Offsets
F. Columns
G. Pilasters
(2) Expression of architectural or structural bay through a change in plane is recommended. The following are examples of such expressions:
A. Offsets
B. Projecting ribs or columns
C. Recessed arches or other features
(e) Roofs. Variations in roof lines shall be used to reduce the mass and add interest to large buildings. The lenth of a continuous stretch of roof shall not exceed 75 fet without a change in pitch, roof level or parapet height to break up the roof massing. Flat roofs shall not be visible, except if verandas, trellises, etc. are utilized. Roof features shall complement the character of adjoining neighborhoods and/or developments where applicable. All rooftop mechanical equipment must be screened from public view and the enclosure shall be designed to meet a minimum STC rating of 35, using materials and designs appropriate for the noise pitch. Parapets will feature three-dimensional cornice treatment. Parapet backing, if visible, must match the materials of the front elevation of the parapet. Roofs shall incorporate at least two of the following features:
(1) Overhanging eaves, extending no less than three (3) feet past the supporting walls.
(2) Sloping roofs that do not exceed the average height of the supporting walls, which utilize trusses and pillars.
(3) Multiple horizontal roof planes per building elevation.
(f) Building Materials and Colors. Building materials shall be of high quality. It is the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate that materials, systems, and their supporting connections, enclosures, joints, joint materials, ability to expand and contract, ability to maintain color and finish, long term durability and maintenance meet or exceed acceptable industry standards as accepted by the Planning Commission. The applicant shall provide all appropriate data, samples, and warranty information. The Planning Commission will consider new products, systems, and technologies, but retains discretion over their issue.
The use of brick or stone (including limestone and manufactured stone) is significant in the development’s community-wide acceptability and contextual appearance. Therefore, one or oth materials shall be utilized on every building facade. A minimum of 60 percent of every building front facade must be standard or utility sized brick or natural stone. Split face concrete block is not considered brick or stone and thus may not be used to meet the 60 percent requirement; however, it may be used for the remaining 40 percent. Other facades must have a minimum of thirty percent (30%) brick or stone. This required percentage may be increased if the development location warrants it.
“Brick” means ceramic structural material that is made by pressing clay into blocks and firing them to the requisite hardness in a kiln.
“Stonework” means natural stone that has been quarried, cut, dressed and finished.
“C.M.U.” means structural masonry made by mixing broken stone or gravel with sand, cement and water and allowing the mixture to harden in a solid mass.
The following materials are not acceptable:
(1) Standard concrete masonry units, such as concrete block, painted or unpainted, other than textured (split face) block.
(2) Vinyl or aluminum siding
(3) Wood siding and trim other than cedar
Tinting of glazing and the percentage of facade area devoted to glazing are both subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission.
Building materials and colors must contribute to the visual impact of a building. Therefore, they should be aesthetically pleasing and compatible with materials and colors used throughout the community. These shall be subdued low chroma colors, including grey, buff, beige, taupe, brown, and tan. "Corporate identity" or "logo" colors may not be used in any material colors unless they coincide with accepted colors. Business "logo colors" may be used sparingly in signage.
Facade and trim colors shall be of low reflectance, subtle, and neutral colors. The use of high intensity colors, metallic colors, black, or fluorescent colors is prohibited. Painted stripes or designs shall be avoided. Exposed neon tubing on the building is subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission.
(g) Rear and Side Facades. No structure is considered as having "front" and "rear" facades. The same quality of finish shall be utilized on all sides of the building. All facades will contribute to the scale and features of the building by featuring similar characteristics as the front facade.
(h) Miscellaneous Requirements. Loading areas and outdoor storage areas of large format retailers exert visual and noise impacts on surrounding areas. All of these areas must be completely screened or enclosed. Standards for these areas are summarized in the following:
(1) Storage, sales, truck parking, trash collection/compaction, loading, or other such uses must be fully screened.
(2) Storage, sales, trash collection/compaction, loading, or other such uses shall be located at least thirty-five (35) feet from a public street, public sidewalk, or internal pedestrian way, public or private.
(3) Loading docks, truck parking, storage, utility meters, HVAC equipment, trash collection/compaction, and other service functions shall be incorporated into the overall design of the building and the landscaping. The visual and noise impacts of these functions shall be fully contained/enclosed and out of view from adjacent properties and public/private streets. Attention shall not be attracted to these functions by the use of screening or building materials different from or inferior to the principal materials of the building and landscapes.
(4) No delivery, loading, trash removal, or other such operations should be permitted between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. when any part of the site is within five hundred (500) feet of residential uses. Trash collection containers shall have top enclosures. Violations of these policies will be handled by the Heath Police Department and the Code Enforcement Officer.
(5) Outdoor speakers are not permitted.
(6) The Planning Commission should will hours of operation and may restrict them at its discretion, if warranted. Twenty-four hour operation is strongly discouraged when any part of the site is within five hundred (500) feet of residential areas.
(Ord. 22-00. Passed 6-19-00.)