(a) Minimum lot area: 3,000 square feet for townhouses and 4,000 square feet for zero lot line dwellings.
(b) Minimum lot width: Twenty-four feet for townhouses and forty feet for zero lot line houses, except that for corner lots the minimum shall be thirty-four feet for townhouses and fifty feet for zero lot line dwellings.
(c) Minimum front yard depth: ten feet except that where the building fronts on a dedicated street and/or is adjacent to an R-1, R-1-S or R-2 Residential District, the front yard requirements shall be increased to twenty-five feet.
(d) Minimum side yard depth: none for townhouses except that on corner lots the minimum side yard of the corner side shall be twenty-five feet. In zero lot line lots, there shall be no minimum on one side and ten feet on the opposite side. However, in no case shall a townhouse or zero lot line dwelling be built closer than ten feet to the lot line of a lot that is zoned R-1, R-1-S, or R-2 Residential.
(e) Minimum rear yard depth: twenty feet for townhouses and zero lot line dwellings. Such space may be used for parking purposes and open carports; forty feet when adjoining an R-1, R-1-S or R-2 Residential District.
(f) Maximum height: thirty-five feet or two and one-half stories.
(g) Maximum lot coverage: where not a part of a tract development, having maintained common open space, a townhouse or zero lot line dwelling including accessory structures shall not occupy more than fifty percent (50%) of the lot area.
(h) A maximum of eight living units shall be allowed in each row of townhouses. When an end unit of a rowhouse does not side on a street, an open space or court of at least twenty feet in width shall be provided between it and the adjacent row of townhouses, and this open space shall be divided between the two immediately adjacent townhouse lots as to property or lot lines.
(i) Where townhouse lots and dwelling units are designed to face upon an open or common access court rather than upon a street, this open court shall be a minimum of forty feet in width and such court shall not include vehicular drives or parking areas.
(j) Townhouses shall be constructed up to side lot lines, without side yards, and no windows, doors or other openings shall face a side lot line except that the outside wall of end units may contain such openings.
(k) Regulations for conventional family dwellings shall be the same as in the R-2 Residential District, except as restricted in Section 1168.04.
(l) All surface drainage must be approved by the Zoning Department.
(Ord. 112-86. Passed 1-19-86; Ord. 53-97. Passed 7-21-97.)