(a) Planting Requirements for All New Developments. These requirements are in addition to the requirements for vehicular use areas.
(1) Multi-family and PUD Districts. There shall be a minimum of one (1) tree planted per dwelling unit. Trees may be either medium or large class species. Large or medium species trees shall be 2" minimum caliper. Trees are to be arranged within the front, sides or rear yard areas with emphasis on the front facades. In addition a minimum of one-third (l/3) of the facade (or facades in the case of corner lots) fronting the street or vehicular use area is to be landscaped adjacent to the foundation with shrubs, ground cover or other ornamental plantings. The average initial height of these plantings is to be 18" minimum.
(2) Retail commercial, and shopping center use. There shall be a tree planted in a landscaped area for every 50 lineal feet of building perimeter or fraction thereof. Such landscaped areas shall be adjacent to the building, 64 square feet minimum in size, and shall contain a small, medium, or large class specie tree in a planting bed, architectural planter, tree grate or on an earthen mound. Large or medium species trees shall be 3" minimum caliper. Small species trees shall be 2" minimum caliper. If the grates or architectural planters are used in the minimum landscape area may be reduced to 36 square feet. Benches, or other appropriate landscape materials designed and located in a manner complimentary to the overall architectural of the surrounding buildings are encouraged. The intent of the regulation is to encourage an equally spaced landscape envelope around the perimeter of the building. Combining of tree planting areas to achieve overall compliance is acceptable. However, in no event is a tree planting area to exceed 100'-0". Free standing signs and flagpoles are to be set in landscaped areas.
(3) Professional services, medical, educational, service, and miscellaneous use districts. There shall be a tree planted for over 40 linear feet of building perimeter or fraction thereof. Trees may be either small, medium, or large class species. Large or medium species trees shall be 3" minimum caliper. Small species trees shall be 2" minimum caliper. 8'-0" minimum height evergreen trees may be substituted for up to thirty percent (30%) of deciduous tree requirement. Trees are to be arranged around all sides of the building within 64 square feet minimum of lawn or landscaped areas. In addition a minimum of 40 square feet of landscaped area shall be required for each 50 lineal feet of building perimeter or fraction thereof. These landscaped areas are to be constructed adjacent to the building and are to contain shrubs, ground cover, or other ornamental plantings. The average initial length height of these plantings is to be 18" minimum. The intent of the regulation is to encourage over-all uniform landscaping treatment around the perimeter of the building. Combining of these planting areas to achieve compliance is acceptable providing that consideration is given to all facades. Free standing signs and flagpoles are to be set in landscaped areas.
(4) Light and Heavy Industry Districts. There shall be a tree planted for every 60 lineal feet of building perimeter or fraction thereof. Trees may be either small, medium, or large class species. Large or medium species trees shall be 3" minimum caliper. Small species trees shall be 2" caliper. 8'-0" minimum height evergreen trees may be substituted for up to 30% of deciduous tree requirement. Trees are to be arranged around all sides of the building within 64 square feet minimum of lawn or landscaped areas. In addition a minimum of 20 square feet of landscaped area shall be required for each 50 lineal feet of building perimeter or fraction thereof. These landscaped areas are to be constructed adjacent to the building and are to contain shrubs, ground cover, or other ornamental plantings. The average initial height of these plantings is to be 24" minimum. The intent of this regulation is to encourage over-all landscaping treatment around the perimeter of the building. Combining of these plantings areas to achieve compliance is acceptable providing that consideration is given to at least three (3) visually prominent facades. Free standing signs and flagpoles are to be set in landscaped areas.
(b) Major Arterial Roadway Tree Requirements. All subdividers or developers shall be required to deposit one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175.00) per lineal foot (70) of frontage or fraction thereof for the planting of along major arterial roadway trees. Any undeveloped major arterial roadway or exiting major arterial roadway with undeveloped frontage shall conform to these requirements at the time of the development. The Service Director or his designee will cause to be purchased and planted from said deposit, all required street trees and assume full responsibility for care, replacement, and maintenance, as defined by the following conditions:
(1) Trees noted under Section 1136.15 Prohibited Plantings are not to be used on City owned public property. City owned public property shall include all public right-of-ways, streets, alleys, parks, or other property owned by the Municipality.
(2) The maximum spacing between trees shall be one hundred feet (100') for large class trees, eighty feet (80') for medium class trees, and sixty feet (60') for small class trees.
(3) The minimum distance between the tree and the back of street curb shall be two and one-half feet. In areas where a sidewalk exists or is proposed, the minimum distance between the tree trunk and both the edge of the street and the sidewalks shall be two feet.
(4) The tree location shall be at least thirty-five (35') feet from street intersections and ten feet from fire hydrants or utility poles.
(5) A small class tree shall be used when planting under or within ten lateral feet of overhead utility wires. A small class or medium class tree shall be used when planting within ten to twenty lateral feet of overhead utility wires.
(6) Trees should be of the same genus and species matched in form and size and planted continuously down each street. Consideration should be given to introducing other tree genus and species for each proposed street or cul- de-sac.
(7) The minimum trunk caliper measured at six inches above the rootball for all street trees shall be no less than two (2) inches.
(c) Retention Area Requirements. It shall be required that all subdividers or developers plant trees adjacent to retention areas of their developments in such a manner, type, quantity, and location as recommended by the Service Director, his designee and recommended by the Planning Commission and as defined by the following conditions:
(1) There shall be a tree planted in a landscape area for every 50 lineal feet of retention area perimeter or fraction thereof;
(2) Trees shall be planted adjacent to the retention area, but no closer than 20 feet from the bank;
(3) Trees may be either medium or large class species trees. Trees shall be 2" minimum caliper. Six feet (6') minimum height evergreen trees may be substituted for up to fifty percent (50%) of deciduous tree requirement.
(Ord. 40-98. Passed 8-17-98.)