(B) The form of the preliminary plat shall be as follows:
(1) The preliminary plat shall be drawn on paper of a size 18 inches by 24 inches or 24 inches by 36 inches. More than one sheet may be used.
(2) The preliminary plat shall be drawn at scale of 200 feet to one inch or larger.
(3) The preliminary plat shall have a title block located in the lower right-hand corner of the plat. It shall contain the following information:
(a) Name of the subdivision.
(b) Name and address of the owners.
(C) Name of the engineer or surveyor and his seal or stamp.
(d) Acreage of land to be subdivided.
(e) The date.
(f) A graphic scale.
(g) North point.
(4) A vicinity map at a scale of 1200 feet to one inch or larger shall be placed in the upper right-hand corner. It shall show the approximate location of the subdivision to major streets, streams, easements, or other development.
(5) On a preliminary plat, blocks containing the following certificates shall be placed on the right-hand side or lower edge of the plat:
(a) Certificate of approved water and sewerage system (Form 1 in the appendix to this chapter).
(b) When connection to public sewerage and water systems is proposed, the following certificates shall also be placed on the plat:
l. Certificate of availability of water service (Form 2 in the appendix to this chapter).
2. Certificate of availability of sewerage service (Form 3 in the appendix to this chapter).
(C) Certificate of recommendation of suitability of the land for development (Form 4 in the appendix to this chapter).
(6) Other information. The following shall appear on the preliminary plat:
(a) The names of adjacent property owners and subdivisions, along with intersecting property lines.
(b) Contours at an interval of not greater than five feet or at a lesser interval if deemed necessary by the Planning Commission. Contours within 250 feet of the area to be subdivided shall be shown where possible. Contours of the same elevation shall be extended to the point of intersection if they intersect within 500 feet of the property to be subdivided. Sinkholes and other depressions shall be clearly labeled and their low point clearly marked. The contours shall relate to the U.S. Geological Survey of the area and shall relate to the nearest benchmark. All contours shall be marked in feet above sea level.
(c) Boundary lines of area to be subdivided and their bearings and distances.
(d) Existing and proposed easements and their locations, widths, and distances.
(e) Streets and easements on and adjacent to the tract and their names, width, approximate grades, and other dimensions as may be required.
(f) Present and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the tracing showing proposed connections to existing utility systems. Rear easements for utility poles and wires shall be required wherever possible.
(g) Lot lines and lot numbers.
(h) Sites and their acreages, if any, to be reserved or dedicated for parks, playgrounds, schools, or other public uses. Sites, if any, for semi-public, commercial, or multi-family uses.
(i) Minimum building setback lines.
(j) Protective covenants shall be placed directly on, or attached to, the preliminary plat.
(C) Whenever part of a tract is proposed to be subdivided and it is intended to subdivide additional parts of the tract in the future, a sketch plan for the entire tract shall be submitted to the Planning Commission at the same time the preliminary plat for the first part of the tract to be platted is submitted.
(D) The preliminary plat shall receive the approval of the County Health Officer prior to consideration by the Planning Commission. A certificate of approval by the County Health Officer shall appear on the preliminary plat.
(E) The preliminary plat shall receive the approval of the administrative officer of the agency or utility company supplying water services prior to consideration by the Planning Commission if a connection to a public water line is proposed. A certificate of the availability of water service (Form 2 in the appendix of this chapter) shall appear on the preliminary plat.
(F) The preliminary plat shall receive the approval of the administrative officer of the agency or utility company supplying sewage disposal services prior to consideration by the Planning Commission if a connection to a public sewerage system is proposed. A certificate of availability of sewage disposal services (Form 3 in the appendix of this chapter) shall appear on the preliminary plat.
(G) The preliminary plat shall be reviewed by the soil conservation officer serving the area prior to consideration by the Planning Commission. The soil conservation officer shall make recommendations concerning the suitability of the land for development. A certification of recommendation of suitability of land development (Form 4 in the appendix to this chapter) shall be attached to the preliminary plat.
(H) Three copies of the preliminary plat and supplementary material specified shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission with a written application for preliminary approval at least ten days prior to the hearing at which it is to be considered.
(I) Within 90 days after the hearing on the preliminary plat, the Planning Commission shall approve, disapprove, or approve subject to modifications, the plat. Failure of the Planning Commission to act on the preliminary plat within 90 days shall be deemed approval of the plat. If a plat is disapproved, reasons for such disapproval will be stated in writing. If approved subject to modifications, the nature of the required modifications shall be indicated in writing. The action of the Planning Commission shall be noted on two copies of the preliminary plat with any notations made at the time of approval or disapproval of the specific changes required. One copy shall be returned to the subdivider and the other shall be retained by the Planning Commission.
(J) Approval of the preliminary plat shall not constitute acceptance of the final plat. The approval of the preliminary plat shall lapse unless a final plat based thereon is submitted within one year from the date of the approval. An extension of time may be applied for by the subdivider and granted by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 930.1, passed 3-15-71)