(A)   No person, or his agent, shall subdivide any land before securing the final approval of the Planning Commission of a plat designating the areas to be subdivided and before the plat is recorded in the office of the County Clerk.
   (B)   Where land is being subdivided, a building permit for the construction of any building, structure, or use to be used privately shall not be issued until the subdivision plat has received final approval and is recorded with the County Clerk.
   (C)   No plat of a subdivision of land shall be recorded by the County Clerk until the plat has received final approval by the Planning Commission and the approval is entered thereon in writing by the Chairperson of the Planning Commission, according to KRS Chapter 100.
      (1)   A major subdivision, as defined in § 155.05, shall be required to have both preliminary plat and final plat approval by the Planning Commission before it can be recorded.
      (2)   A minor subdivision, as defined in § 155.05, shall be deemed approved when signed by both the Administrative Officer and Chairperson of the Planning Commission and the signature of the Chairperson of the Planning Commission shall be required before a plat of a minor subdivision can be recorded. The Planning Commission may override the decision of the Administrative Officer and the Chairperson of the Planning Commission to approve or disapprove any minor subdivision plat in the event an aggrieved person shall appeal that determination.
   (D)   A charge shall be made for the examination and approval or disapproval of every plat reviewed by the Planning Commission. The Board of Commissioners shall have the power to establish these fees.
(Ord. 930.1, passed 3-15-71; Am. Ord. 2013-04, passed 6-17-13) Penalty, see § 155.99