A.   Terms: There shall be elected at each regular city election, to be held as required by state law, two (2) council members to serve for a term of four (4) years; and at each succeeding general city election, there shall be elected two (2) council members, each to serve a term of four (4) years. At any such election additional council seats may fill as required by state law to fill the remainder of unexpired terms or to meet other election law requirements.
   B.   Council Seats:
      1.   Pursuant to subsection A of this section, two (2) council members are elected at each election for a term of four (4) years and thus there are four (4) council seats on the city council; from and hereafter, each council seat shall be numbered, as allowed by Idaho Code section 50-707, and the city clerk shall assign the following numbers to each seat: seat 1, seat 2, seat 3, and seat 4.
      2.   Any candidate seeking election to the city council shall file his candidacy for one, and only one, council seat. The candidate shall meet all other qualifications for the office of city council member, as required by law. All nominating petitions must contain, at the time of circulating the petition, the council seat number for which the candidate is being nominated. The council seat number must be in the same format and font as the remainder of the petition and may not be added or changed after the petition is circulated.
      3.   Commencing at the general city election to be held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November 2003, seats 1 and 3 shall be the council seats for which city council candidates shall file. Commencing at the general city election held in 2005, seats 2 and 4 shall be elected. Henceforth, the odd numbered council seats and the even numbered council seats shall be elected in alternate general city elections in the same rotation period. (Ord. 338, 3-11-2003)