   30.01   Mayor; term
   30.02   Board members; terms
   30.03   Vacancies
§ 30.01 MAYOR; TERM.
   At the 4-4-1972 election, and at the regular election every four years thereafter, a Mayor shall be elected to serve a four-year term.
(Prior Code, § 2.04.010) (Ord. 72-2, passed - -1972)
   (A)   At the 4-4-1972 election, six Board members shall be elected.
   (B)   The three candidates for Board member receiving highest number of votes shall be elected for four-year terms, and the three candidates for Board member receiving the next highest numbers of votes shall be elected for two-year terms.
   (C)   At the next subsequent regular election and at each regular election thereafter, three Board members shall be elected to serve four-year terms.
(Prior Code, § 2.04.020) (Ord. 72-2, passed - -1972)
§ 30.03 VACANCIES.
   (A)   The Board of Trustees shall have power, by appointment, to fill all vacancies in the Board of Trustees or in any other elected office in accordance with state law.
   (B)   If vacancy was to extend beyond the next regular election, the person elected to fill the vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term.
   (C)   Where a vacancy or vacancies exist in the office of Board of Trustees and a successor or successors are to be elected at the next election to fill the unexpired term or terms, the three candidates for Board member receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected to four-year terms and the candidate or candidates receiving the next highest number of votes, in descending order, shall be elected to fill the unexpired term or terms.
(Prior Code, § 2.04.030) (Ord. 72-2, passed - -1972)