At the hour appointed for the meeting of council, the mayor shall take the chair and direct a call of the members by the clerk who shall note the absentees. If a quorum is not present, the mayor may send for the absent members. Upon the appearance of a quorum, the mayor shall call to order and proceed to the order of business as follows:
   (A)   Reading, amending and approving the minutes of the previous meetings; but the reading of the minutes of any previous meeting may be dispensed with, and they may be approved by a majority vote of those present.
   (B)   Communications from the mayor. (Ord. 193, 10-20-1924)
   (C)   Communications and reports from the corporation officers. (Ord. 689, 6-1-1981)
   (D)   Petitions, remonstrances and miscellaneous communications.
   (E)   Reading of ordinances and referring to committees.
   (F)   Reports of special committees.
   (G)   Committee of the whole.
   (H)   Unfinished business.
   (I)   Adjournment.
The above order of business shall not be changed, except by the unanimous consent of all the members present. (Ord. 1, 10-20-1904)