(A)   It shall be the customer's responsibility to ensure that all annual and post-repair test reports are submitted directly to the City Water Resources Division or to its designated online reporting system as published at www.havelocknc.us.
   (B)   Test reports must be submitted within the following time frames:
      (1)   Annual testing: within 15 days of annual test date.
      (2)   Post-repair testing: within 30 days of failed operational test date or inspection.
   (C)   The customer shall keep a copy of all test and repair records on premises for a minimum of three years and will make those records available to the City if requested.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for any customer or certified tester to submit any report or record to the City which is false or incomplete in any material respect. Such actions will constitute a willful violation of this subchapter.
(Ord. 24-O-02, passed 2-26-2024)